Hm, maybe I misinterpreted your last post. I just meant Palm isn't dead _now_. But after you brought out the facts I am not to sure about the lifespan of Palm devices anymore (see, arguing on the Internet isn't always like special olympics...

Even I don't use a "first party" Palm device - this is saying something. I use the Tapwave Zodiac (Metal case, 2 SD slots, ARM processor, integrated ATI graphic with around 8MB RAM, 128MB internal storage - If you can still find one, then buy it it is one of the best Palm devices)
Lets put it this way. I know Palm and Palmsource have their share of problems:
no "third party support" - Sony gone, Tapwave (and lots of other small handheld enterprises) gone belly up, LG doesn't care about its Palm OS license either (if it still owns it)
problems concerning the build quality of the latest Palm devices (noisy screens, defects, toned down features compared to 2 generations before)
PalmOS isn't beyond version 5, version 6 will never see the light outside the Palm Simulator, and well Linux based Palm is announced (who is developing it anyway)
Owner of the "PalmOS" brand is a company which has been bought by another company
PalmOS does looks outdated nowadays (but its the same case with Win mobile IMHO)
Unfortunally there is no alternative to Palm OS (at least not for me) - to round up this post and return to the original topic...
Windows Mobile? - Bloated, slow, interface sucks
Symbian? - mostly mobile phone only, slow - I doesn't like the interface
Linux? - Linux devices aren't available where I live, imports are expensive, PIM synchronisation isn't optimal
edit: If Apple would release a new Newton I would buy within a heart beat. Something I wouldn't like to see is some sort of rebuild or port of the OSX interface. A handheld shouldn't emulate a desktop OS (I am not speaking about the look - using graphical elements or a certain style is no problem for me).
A handheld should stand on its own and offer elements which make working with the device as efficient as possible. Exambles:
Navigation without stylus use (the Treos are pretty good in this category)
important functions always available (functions assigned to hard buttons etc)
no or reduced submenus - I don't want to go 6 levels deep just to start a application
good documentation for developers, maybe a free SDK and integration into XCode
no iPod shiny finish - I don't want fear scratches on a device I pull out more compared to the ipod - if Apple would release such a device and go for the "white look" then hopefully they use the material ibooks are made of.