New Newton? *yes please*

fryke said:
Well, I think the days of the PDA itself are numbered. Smartphones, video games (the PSP) and media players (the iPod) as well as simple mobile phones are all taking their place. For years now, PDAs have tried to adopt _those_ features, but it seems it works better the other way 'round.

If Apple were to come out with a PDA in the "classic" sense, it wouldn't go anywhere but where the Newton went. Down. They'd have to very _clearly_ do something else.

We still see the treo working alright in the market. We see Windows Mobile smartphones doing alright. We see Blackberry devices doing alright. We don't see much of those "daft old" PDAs doing alright, though.

Fryke, I believe Your right about the PDA days are numbered. But i believe that the Newton was far more advanced for its day than what some may think, in fact for simple reasons like a color screen, form factor and mabey somthing else is the real reason why it was going down.

Today in this media savy world where users are looking for mobile comfort and mobile usability. a digital companion has not really been understood by hardware developers. Only Apple really took this on with the Newton.

If we take a look at what is currently being shown on here we can see some patented designes that illustrates iTunes, iPhoto, a Word Processor like features being used on a mobile device.

A PDA i agree would be way to small, and i agree with steve's statements about a PDA. I think he really is educating the market, that PDA's don't work! I believe he is right. But I can't recall him saying anything negative about a digital companion, somthing that is between a PDA and a taplet/laptop.

Well i hope we see somthing like those illustrations soon. It looks FUN!!!

Over the past few weeks we have seen some dramatic patent applications and other rumors floating around that Apple may be releasing a new type of device/digital companion obviousley with the use of good touch screen and alternative user input methods.

You've probably already seen this but for the record i thought it would be great to share it in this thread.

Hey, by the way. I reckon we should have a guessing competition about new up and comming Apple products. Mods, fryke, what do you think? This would be fun!

Well: You can do this yourself by creating the thread for it, right? Or even just use this one. You mean what all those patents will be used for? And whomever guessed it first right will win? Hm... :)