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  1. Ifrit

    iPhoto is cr*p. Can I delete it? Basically, its is an application which creates apple scripts (or executeable files - you decide) with the help of a simple drag&drop interface.
  2. Ifrit

    cut files / rename files

    By holding the Command (Apple) key while dragging the file, you are moving the files instead of coying it. The plus sign (which indicates copying) disappears.
  3. Ifrit

    Ibook G3 700Mhz does not start (power on) anymore

    Fortunally the problem solved itself. After using the power manager reset combo I forget to push the power button (I was really frustrated). Next day I pushed the power button just for fun. The ibook made its startup bong sound and proceeded to boot normally. It seems you have to wait several...
  4. Ifrit

    Ibook G3 700Mhz does not start (power on) anymore

    Three days ago, I stored my ibook in my bag, but I forget to take it out. (normally it is sitting on desk recharging) The ibook itself was in sleep mode (by simply closing the lid). The battery indicator was 1/2 full. Today I tried to continue working with it. Opened the lid, but the ibook...
  5. Ifrit

    Finder Issues

    Concerning the buzzing noise: I've experienced this while working on/with serveral machines including Macintosh and PCs. To me this seems normal if this generates a really low volume sound. (For example I usually hear a faint static noise if the DVI plug of my cinema display is connected to my...
  6. Ifrit

    Very slow Emac...if that's a surprise I guess

    It sounds to me like you have faulty RAM. Even with 128 (the absolute minimum for OSX) programs shouldn't crash 'out of the blue'. Try using just one stick of RAM at once - maybe there is an incompatibility or just one of the two you used is faulty. I assume you inserted additional 256 MB...
  7. Ifrit

    Leopards rumours

    Personally I think that Vista is in its "babyshoes phase". The Vista GUI designer make the same mistakes as the OSX GUI designer did in 10.0 and 10.1 by overusing certain effects and transparency. And remember you need at least a directx9 capable graphics card in order to get the accelerated...
  8. Ifrit

    Leopards rumours

    Well, if we are talking about the feature wishlist for Leopard... A new tab in the sharing preference window would be nice. It would show what users / machines are currently connected to your system and allows you to disconnect them. I am sure you can accomplish lots of this with the Unix...
  9. Ifrit

    iBook G3 RAM Upgrade

    I would suggest you buy the RAM from a local vendor/shop. OSX is very picky about RAM, even if it works in OS9, or in a x86 machine. So, you can easily return it/get a replacement if the RAM doesn't work as expected. Any S0DIM should be fine - I would suggest spend a few bucks more and buy...
  10. Ifrit

    Ipod Mini's Sound

    Some of the first gen ipod mini had problems with the audio jack connector. The connection to the "logic board" of the ipod mini loosened, resulting in static or in most cases no audio output. I would suggest you return your ipod mini and get a replacement unit if it is still covered by warranty.
  11. Ifrit

    Will the Apple Cinema Display work via VGA?

    Be carefull when buying a "cheap" DVI - splitter. Most splitters have a resolution limitation. In Germany it was hard to find one which does at least 1600x1200 in order to allow my 20'' cinema display to use its native resolution 0f 1600x1050. Others which allow higher res to drive a cinema 22''...
  12. Ifrit

    Serious problems with iMac G5

    It might be RAM if the machine is acting strange (apps crashing, kernel panic). Sometimes even Apple installed RAM doesn't work correctly (for example the build in 256MB stick in my mac mini - later I replaced it with 512MB) The first step, before reinstallation is to use the HW test CD Apple...
  13. Ifrit

    Recovering data from damaged CDs - possibly with BSD?

    I can't agree here, software is able to access informations differently. There is software which copies bitwise and doesn't care if the created copy contains all informations or not. Then there is software which operates on a different more high level layer (most likley using the OS functions)...
  14. Ifrit

    New iBooks and Mac Minis Tuesday

    I just want to make clear that I knew what kind of machine I bought before I decided to hand my money over to the store clerk. :) Although this doesn't mean I am happy with all of the specs and features. If there was an option to purchase a mini with more vRAM then I would have done it. (damn...
  15. Ifrit

    New iBooks and Mac Minis Tuesday

    Yes I was disappointed too, that Apple released new a product which didn't even meet all the requirements for the upcomming (now released) OSX 10.4 system. 32MByte vRAM that was state of the art when? 1999 - 2000? As I already stated, even my PC 1GHz bought 2001 + Geforce 3 secondary PC...
  16. Ifrit

    Alias problem while accessing Windows network

    SMB networking with OSX is quite "fragile" on some Windows networks. Usually the "the alias ... can't be ..." error happens, if OSX can't access the network share for whatever reasons. Sometimes its really fast and shows you all available networks, on other times it shows nothing at all or...
  17. Ifrit

    Unreal Tour Mac / Windows XP LAN?

    UT for Mac (and the OSX version) works flawlessly with the PC version. I usually play UT DM matches with my friend who uses Windows version of UT.
  18. Ifrit

    os10.42 tiger Size

    It might be that you installed the printer driver and all of the language packs which takes around 3 - 4GB of hd space. The setting to disable these optional components is easily missed during the OSX setup . Fortunally Apple included an app on the OSX 10.4 install CD (I believe its called...
  19. Ifrit

    My own first Mac

    Personally I wouldn't invest that much money in a machine thats nearly over 4 years old. I know, that Mac's value tend not to decrease much, even over a timespan of several years, but investing in a B&W G3 300MHz is like wasting money to me. Maybe when the G4 was the latest in Mac technology...
  20. Ifrit

    quake audio is accelerated

    Happened to me too after the update to Tiger. But the OSX 10.4.1 update fixed it.