Search results

  1. Ifrit

    Sims 2 on Mac Mini

    Unfortunally the mac mini isn't suited for current games (although I wouldn't call Sims 2 "the latest" anymore.) The reason is the meager 32MB vRAM. I tried running UT2004 demo on my mac mini > well on bigger levels the gamplay slows down to a slideshow. To be honest, I have the feeling the...
  2. Ifrit

    Shadow Warrior on OS X?

    Hm, Shadow Warrior for Mac is optimized for OS8 and OS9 and uses special "unholy" code and quirks of this OS which is the reason it fails to run in the classic environment. In order to disable these optimizations you need to edit/add some lines the SW.cfg file: WaitNextSleep = -1...
  3. Ifrit

    Apple KB & Mouse over USb hub - possible?

    Maybe you should consider a USB or KVM (USB) switch instead. This way there is no need to unplug you Keyboard (or the cable to the hub) if another person needs keyboard and mouse. I have a similar setup to share a muse keyboard combo with my PC and a mac mini. One cable connects mac mini...
  4. Ifrit

    Power Adapters - iBook - PowerBook

    Yes they seem to be the same. I can only speak for the 12'' Powerbooks - I used the power adaptor of my boss's 12'' Powerbook with my ibook G3 700MHz without problems. I believe you can even use the "ufo" poweradaptor from the early G3 Clamshell ibooks on current gen models.
  5. Ifrit

    Ordering 20'' cinema display - some questions

    Tuesday next week my new Cinema Display 20'' will arrive. But there are still some question which are left unanswered. Searching through the forums and the 'net yielded no results. What happens if the monitor receives a signal with non supported resolution (a signal which isn't 1680 x 1050...
  6. Ifrit

    Should I spend the extra for a super drive?

    Maybe you should try patchburn4 then. It is a program which, according to my knowledge, makes an entry in the "Drives which are supported by Apple" database in OSX. So, you should be able to use your external drive with the finder CD burning feature and Apple's iapps. Otherwise, I am sure...
  7. Ifrit

    Illegal file names??

    Otherwise if you are using 10.4 then Automator would be a good choise.
  8. Ifrit

    how use a monitor to enlarge desktop?

    Thats not true, most "low cost" macs have desktop spanning disabled (unless you use a firmware hack). This includes ibooks and emacs. edit: Although I see no problems on a G5. Simply disable the mirroring in the system preferences.
  9. Ifrit

    Cannot Boot... WEIRD Apple logo on startup

    I have to agree. This is the cause of misplaced Apple logo and the failed boot sequence. The same thing happens if I try to boot retail 10.3 install cd on my mac mini.
  10. Ifrit

    External firewire enclusures and daisychaining

    I don't have problems daisychaining my LaCIE 40GB pocket drive and my gen3 15GB ipod. Be careefull if you "link" a drive to a firewire enclosure with installed CD-ROM drive. It seems that the power consumption of some drives which use removeable media + FW enclosure combination isn't steady...
  11. Ifrit

    Mac Mini - dim display

    Already did fine tuning with enabled "expert controls". It didn't changed much. As I already said, my ibook's vga output (also Tiger) is much better compared to my mac mini at the same resolution. So, I don't think the different display/color models of the various machines I use is the...
  12. Ifrit

    OSX disables firewall while running Virtual PC

    The odd behaviour is, that OSX turns the build in firewall off without informing the user, which I think isn't a nice thing to do.
  13. Ifrit

    Mac Mini - dim display

    Currently I use a mac mini and the DVI - VGA adaptor which is connected to a iiyama 19'' CRT monitor. Something I noticed is, that the Mac mini's output is dim and a bit blurry compared to my other machines. So far I tested my ibooks's external VGA output (same resolution > 1280x1024 @...
  14. Ifrit

    OSX disables firewall while running Virtual PC

    I am not directly connected to the internet (I use a router + the router's firewall) so I don't care that much. The firewall in the guest OS (Windows XP, service pack 2) is already disabled. Another finding: I seem to be unable to access the mac's smb shares if the file and directory...
  15. Ifrit

    OSX disables firewall while running Virtual PC

    I use the shared IP adress setting in Virtual PC in order to access the Internet. ("virtual switch" option is broken in Tiger) (still need VP for some P2P clients and software which is only available for the Windows platform) While running virtual PC I tried to set the ports in the Sharing...
  16. Ifrit

    Where to put C++ Libraries

    hello, in order to compile source written in C/C++, do the following steps: 1. Install XCode (if it isn't already installed) 2. Open Terminal 3. cd to the directory, where the source resists 4. use GCC to compile your source, in order to get a obj. file one example: gcc -c test.c...
  17. Ifrit

    Nanosaur 2 - stuck at 16bit color deph

    Different people, different tastes. Gameplay of Pangeasoft titles is often very arcade like. But their games are a much better choise as "pack-in" compared to the offerings of certain x86 system vendors or a the well known Redmond enterprise. (Yeah, solitaire for more than 12 years). (Although...
  18. Ifrit

    Enhanced Quake - colored lightening, bloom effects, better particles

    IMHO updated games are currently my favourite - hmm nostalgica coupled with current gen effects. The release of Quake and /insert game engine here/ caused a fresh wind in the "homebrew scene." We all like our games fresh and flashy and this applies to older games too. One thing I...
  19. Ifrit

    System Crashes and 3D

    Your RAM could be the problem. Usually MacOSX is very picky about RAM. When the OS got issues with RAM it often doesn't show it in the "daily usage." This means you can use the OS plus applications without problems until you do _that_ "one thing". For example - I installed 256MB in my ibook...