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  1. Ifrit

    What games could my iBook handle running?

    Hm, I still have a PC as main system. There are applications I can't live without, for examble Dscaler (creates wunderfull deinterlanced pictures out of analog video sources, I use it to connect my video game systems to) Something which I absolutly don't like is the "bumping up of CPU...
  2. Ifrit

    What games could my iBook handle running?

    Well, Chazam, I wouldn't call your laptop "humble", I've an ibook G3 700MHz with 16MB vram and most "3D games" won't run decently on it. Return to castle Wolfenstein among other Q3 engine games work fine (if I lower some graphic settings). The 16MB vram is the limiting factor, I guess, rather...
  3. Ifrit

    why is there a USB port and a PS2?

    Of course to connect certain periphery like an USB keyboard and the mouse. There was an developer package released by Sony which contains a special Linux distro, a HD and a vga out adaptor. Ah, if I remember correctly the itoy camera makes use the USB port too. There are games which support a...
  4. Ifrit


    Emulation of next gen video game consoles is still impossible or at its early state (which means that the developer are happy to squeeze some debug numbers out of a subroutine of the game to reverse engineer certain functions). For a full emulation of all system functions you'll need a system...
  5. Ifrit

    PearPC - PowerPC Architecture Emulator for PC = Mac OS X on a PC

    I believe this kind of emulation is (really) far from perfect. Well, I still have to smile after I've "seen" people asking for advanced features like implementing altivec 2 support. Currently, I am creating a HD image of my system, but I from several reports I gathered the performance is as...
  6. Ifrit

    PearPC - PowerPC Architecture Emulator for PC = Mac OS X on a PC

    Honestly, I didn't know that mentioning disk image creation tools is forbitten, I mean we all know about Roxio Toast or disk copy. What makes the PC counterparts more "criminal"? Every of those programs can be used for "non legal actions". I appologize for off topic posting and the former...
  7. Ifrit

    PearPC - PowerPC Architecture Emulator for PC = Mac OS X on a PC

    I tried it, it is easy to configure, but unfortunally I am unable to create an bootable(!) ISO image of the Panther installation CD. Honestly I tried everything on the Windows side. Can anybody give me a hint how to accomplish this? Do I have to prepare the HD image first (using the darwin...
  8. Ifrit

    SPAM Explosion in

    There might be simple sollution: e-mail rules... I mean setting up a rule in which basically deletes all the mails from senders/persons which aren't in your adress book is done in a matter of seconds... Although, this most likely wouldn't work for a "work" or support like e-mail...
  9. Ifrit

    iBook G3 vs G4

    Most times, if you are affected by a logic board "bug", it renders your machine unusable or your machine starts to show odd behaviour. Some ibook models got shipped with faulty logic boards. Unfortunally most models show their faulty nature only after weeks/months have passed, or even worse...
  10. Ifrit

    iBook G3 vs G4

    As far as I know the logic board bug is only present in the older G3 500MHz ibook models.
  11. Ifrit

    Limitations of Keynote

    powermac: If you use "advanced" features like transparency or shadows in your presentation and then export it into other formats, the result won't look so tempting. Although, keynote does a good job of importing complex powerpoint prentations.
  12. Ifrit

    Limitations of Keynote

    Thanks Cheryl, I didn't know there were any sites out there which "deal with" the Keynote presentation software. I'll make sure to check it out. Personally I need decent presentation software, for examble to show number and facts of new Macintosh hard/software to potential cutomers. Yes, I am...
  13. Ifrit

    Limitations of Keynote

    For me, Keynote is my favourite Presentation program. Being a fan of Apple hard- and software isn't the only reason, but with the release of Keynote I finally found another presentation application which is easy to use, and which enables me to create wonderful presentations with just a few mouse...
  14. Ifrit


    And thats the reason Apple decided against including the "format to fat32" option. BTW fat32 is a horrible outdated format, fat32 formated media also needs to be defragmented time to time. I believe HFS/HFS+ takes care about the fragmentation by itself (or at least the mac OS does)
  15. Ifrit


    It is supported natively by OSX so I don't believe thre is a huge performance drop. But I have to warn you, fat32 formated disk don't support certain HFS/HFS+ features. Moving and coping applications for examble works while using a fat32 formated disk and OSX. But if you copy/move mac...
  16. Ifrit

    iPod charges, but won't mount

    It seems to be a common problem for 1st and 2nd generation ipods (including the audio connector breakage). My friend also encountered this problem some months ago after he bought my first gen 5GB ipod. I returned the ipod (glad it was within the 1 year "repair/return period"). After one week he...
  17. Ifrit

    Panther supported hardware

    There is no need to use a Pioneer drive. I found a little prog called "patchburn 2" wich enables your "unsupported" drive to burn within all iapps including itunes and idvd. ( I needed to get my nec_dvd +/- drive (in an FW enclosure) working with itunes) Basically, it just creates a...
  18. Ifrit

    My Mac Will Not Chime!!

    Not true, disabling the chime does work on my ibook G3 700MHz (OSX). BTW, OSX has two options. You can mute the sound and you can turn it all the way down (system volume). Both disables the sound, but only one "setting" will also mute the startup chime. I believe if you choose to mute the...
  19. Ifrit


    Recently, I bought the macdrive software and I have no problems with it. Basically it is "just" a driver which enables Windows to read/ write HFS/HFS+ formated media, including all sorts of CDs, DVDs, hard discs and floppies (ipods too) I never encountered any "size" limit (I've successfully...
  20. Ifrit

    Powermac G4 450MHz for $ 530. Do I get the money's worth?

    Ok, you're right andychrist, it might be that I got to obsessed by the possible ownership of a powermac system (even if it is a obsolete G4 450MHz powermac). To be honest in most cases I am rather a impulsive buyer, this means if a product is just necessary its no problem (lets say you have to...