why is there a USB port and a PS2?

Of course to connect certain periphery like an USB keyboard and the mouse. There was an developer package released by Sony which contains a special Linux distro, a HD and a vga out adaptor. Ah, if I remember correctly the itoy camera makes use the USB port too. There are games which support a ordinary USB keyboard as input device (mostly online titles like FFXI or FPS)

If you take a close look most PS2 (the after launch series) have a firewire port.

If you are talking about PC systems, I am glad there is still a PS2 port there, so my USB ports aren't taken by mouse and keyboard.
But if you mean a PlayStation 2, Then the reason why is so that you can connect a Keyboard and Mouse. Since sony sells a flavor of linux for the PS2, then you would obviously need a keyboard/mouse to navigate.

as for the Firewire (a.k.a. iLink) this is supposedly for a P2P connection but I haven't come across a game that supports it...
i did mean playstation sorry i should probably proofread haha, i just havent seen that much stuff that makes use of the USB ports and i remeber it being touted as feature when Sony came out with the PS2, id like a PS2 controller identical to the ones they have know that is USB and can be used either or my mac or on the playstation that would be cool.
nb3004 said:
i did mean playstation sorry i should probably proofread haha, i just havent seen that much stuff that makes use of the USB ports and i remeber it being <b>touted</b> as feature when Sony came out with the PS2, id like a PS2 controller identical to the ones they have know that is USB and can be used either or my mac or on the playstation that would be cool.

I don't know what you mean by "touted" (promoted?)

and i am assuming you mean the iShock II being usable as a PS2 controller (but unfortunately it doesn't recognize it when you plug it in.

More on Linux for the PS2
The ps2 has two usb port. They can be used for many different uses. I think originally it was part of the developers suit. So they could hook up a hard drive, and a key board for development perp-use. It can be used for other thing as well. Such as a 3rd party modem, or ethernet adapter. I do not recommend these devices, because they are not compatible with all games. The usb port can also be used for the latest generation of guncon games. The light guns that come with Time Crises 3, and 2 for the ps2 are usb with an avi video dongle.
i never understood how the guns worked :-/

They are merely "light pens" in a gun-shaped case.

A light pen is a stylus which can be used as an interface to a computer connected to a CRT.

The image on a CRT is 'painted' by a steered beam of electrons which sweeps across the screen 60 times a second (for NTSC video anyway). The human eye perceives it as a continuous glow, but a light-pen can detect the exact moment the electron beam passes in front of it.

Hence, the computer can determine at what spot on the screen the pen (or gun) is pointed.
Hence, also, light guns don't work with LCD TV's.

Brian hit the nail on the head with this one. It's hard to imagine, but every second your TV is actually drawing a consistent image over and over again by dragging a pulse of light across the screen and changing the brightness of that light. It does this by firing a cathode ray at the screen (hence the term CRT or Cathode-Ray Tube) and bending it to a certain point on the screen by using electromagnets (Cathode rays can be moved around by magnetic fields).

So 60 times a second, a little dot of light dashes across the screen, line by line from the top to the bottom. The human eye sees a contiuous image. Light guns synchronise exactly with the video signal so that it can calculate exactly where on the screen the gun is pointing by working out at what point along each cycle the pulse of light is brightest.
drunkmac said:
yeah, when had ps2 had firewire?
I think he's on about a PS/2 port? Used for Keyboards and mice.
Looks like this?

:confused: ;)
Chazam said:
I think he's on about a PS/2 port? Used for Keyboards and mice.
Looks like this?

:confused: ;)
Try reading the posts before yours. NO ONE is talking about a PS/2 port on a PC.

So, we (myself & drunkmac) are now asking, since when has a PS/2 (PlayStation2) had FireWire port(s) on it?
Perhaps the PSX has Firewire ... that's only available in Japan as far as I know, it's an enhanced version of the PS2 with a Hard Drive, DVD-Writer and media library capabilities. Wouldn't surprise me if the PSX had Firewire (or as Sony calls it "i-Link") to connect to DV cameras.

Yes, the Playstation2 has USB ports. There is a USB keyboard available for it, as well as USB mouse support. Playstation2 is also the only game console to have a vendor-released "Linux kit". While MS has taken every measure they can to keep the X-Box from running Linux correctly (and, of course, failed) Sony have provided a plug-in hard-drive based kit for PS2 with all-you-need right from the box.

Of course, unless someone actually clears up what the point of this thread was, I might not be helping matters. :-)
Pengu said:
So, we (myself & drunkmac) are now asking, since when has a PS/2 (PlayStation2) had FireWire port(s) on it?

PS/2 is the keyboard port
PS2 is a Playstation 2

and to answer your question i believe it was since it's second revision

and my proof is attached (my camera doesn't do close ups in low light very well) but it is a 4 pin Firewire port (like what you find on DV cameras) and transfers as an S400 port (400Mb/s)

(don't bother opening the attachment. It's not that much bigger)


  • FW.jpg
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Pengu said:
Try reading the posts before yours. NO ONE is talking about a PS/2 port on a PC.

So, we (myself & drunkmac) are now asking, since when has a PS/2 (PlayStation2) had FireWire port(s) on it?
OOps! i got stuck inthe confusion at the beginning of the page. Should have read it all, DOH! :o ::ha::
PS2's have two USB port and an iLink Port.
iLink is compatable with IEEE1394, but called iLink so Sony didn't have to pay royalties to Apple. It was called iLink at the same time as Apple released Firewire… I think it was Sony having a Mindshare Battle with Apple, What will everyone call it Firewire or iLink?

Gran Turismo 3 supports iLink, much to the Joy of my Boss. Working in a Car Dealership means that instead of Quake or UT LAN Parties, GT3 Championships are our social nights.
We haven't hooked up more than 2 PS2s yet, since Firewire (sorry iLink) Hubs are so difficult too get hold of.