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  1. P

    Can Mac OS X survive without an office suite?

    According to the StarOffice 5.2 FAQ (that I found at ), a MacOS compatible version is planned for release late this year. I'm sure I read somewhere (possibly on /.) that StarOffice 6.0 will be available for MacOS X. I'll look for that article.
  2. P Mail Accounts

    I too vote for option 1. phule
  3. P

    What can I do with sendmail?

    There's a secure replacement for sendmail called qmail. It can be found, naturally, at
  4. P

    StarOffice Source Code Released

    The source code for Starffice has finally been released! For details on downloading it, go to phule
  5. P

    OS X & Case-Sensitive Unix Commands

    Oh good!! I was asking the question as in your example. My example should have read "ls -aRl" This lists all the files, including hidden, and any sub-directories recursively all in one column. Bob
  6. P

    OS X & Case-Sensitive Unix Commands

    Does OS X recognize such case-sensitive Unix commands as "ls -Al" (minus the quotes) by default or must the drive be re-formated to UFS?
  7. P

    UNIX Comands

    Try some of the websites I mentioned in a previous article in this group. The subject heading is 'Syntax 4 Dummies."
  8. P

    Syntax 4 Dummies?

    PS - Found another informative website called UNIX Reference desk at
  9. P

    SAMBA ON OSXPB?!? #*&!!%!!

    Another HOWTO is at
  10. P

    Syntax 4 Dummies?

    Try the following websites. 'man' pages are great if you need your memory 'jogged' and already know *NIX, but aren't much help to the beginner.
  11. P

    NEdit on OS X

    Has anyone been able to use the graphical editor NEdit on OS X? I've seen a brief mention of NEdit & Mac OS X on their home page at