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  1. Oscar Castillo

    John Siracusa Mourns the Power PC

    Well at least they don't have to change any name badges on the case.
  2. Oscar Castillo

    Performance of Intel-Macs

    Dual core G5s? If dual core G5s were available I think we wouldn't be looking at a transition to Intel. I hope you're right, but if they do exist, it would seemingly be a waste of time and effort for Apple if consumers are looking at PPC Macs as end of life products.
  3. Oscar Castillo

    John Siracusa Mourns the Power PC

    PPC is very much alive in IBM Powew series workstations and servers. Pricey and no OS X, but for me OS X was 50% of the reason I wanted a Mac, the other 50% was the PPC and supporting architecture. Noting really like it out there.
  4. Oscar Castillo

    There is only ONE Reason to buy a Macintosh

    Yeah Amiga actually put the Mac to shame and only one year after 1984.
  5. Oscar Castillo

    Performance of Intel-Macs

    I find it hard to understand how none of these processors are unsuitable for the desktop as some claim. And no mention from jobs as why not Cell or Xenon instead of x86 which I'm sure was on everyone's mind.
  6. Oscar Castillo

    Performance of Intel-Macs

    With the switch to x86 and the PPC systems losing their appeal to potential buyers, Apple should lower prices now to move some of these systems.
  7. Oscar Castillo

    Performance of Intel-Macs

    @brianleahy You still have leading edge hardware, it's just end of life. Unless they can actually manage another speed bump without a melt down.
  8. Oscar Castillo

    Performance of Intel-Macs

    I hope so you are right.
  9. Oscar Castillo

    Performance of Intel-Macs

    I guess this is the end of dual PowerMacs as Intel forbids the use of P4 in a dual configuration. That's reserved for Xeons. So it's back to single CPU, dual core perhaps, but both sharing the same sorry front side bus.
  10. Oscar Castillo

    Mac to use Intel Chips!

    It was one factor for me purchasing a Mac. The other was the OS. The architecture was/is brilliant engineeing even though CPU always takes center stage. If the new x86 Macs had something similar now that would be something.
  11. Oscar Castillo

    Mac to use Intel Chips!

    There's more to it than that, at least I would hope. I think IBM has to take care of business and Apple just isn't a large part of that business anymore with all their Sony and Microsoft contracts. I'm just disappointed that there must of been some way to use Cell or Xenon in a Mac and why not...
  12. Oscar Castillo

    Mac to use Intel Chips!

    @RGrphc2: If you can wait until next year you might as well wait for WWDC 2006 and see what x86 Macs are available at the time. I may wait, but figure a dual 2.0 would serve me well for another 2 years as I don't think we'll see Pro systems next year as there may not be many early adopters on...
  13. Oscar Castillo

    Mac to use Intel Chips!

    I think after June 06 you'll start seeing prices drop slightly as new hardware is introduced, but if they start on the low-end first you should be fine for another 2 or 3 years since there's all this talk about universal binaries for the forseeable future users wont be in much of hurry to switch...
  14. Oscar Castillo

    Keynote webcast available today

    That's odd, it only crashes for me when I launch within Firefox. With Safari is runs fien each and every time. You all using Firefox?
  15. Oscar Castillo

    Mac to use Intel Chips!

    I don't mind so much the switch to Intel, but it seems as if there's so much going on with the PPC right now, that it seems that although progress is slow, I have the feeling it's been abandoned long before the Gx series has reached its full potential. I'm certain the main reason for the...
  16. Oscar Castillo

    Keynote webcast available today

    Funny thing is it quicks almost immediately when I start it up from Firefox, but has no problems when I click on the link from Safari.
  17. Oscar Castillo

    Mac to use Intel Chips!

    It's hard to believe that will all the recent advancement with the PPC varians like Cell and Xenon. that Apple would move to x86. I have to doubt the rumors will be true. After all PPC has Cell with 3 cores while x86 is only now making it's move to 2 cores. I'm certain Cell and Xenon can be...
  18. Oscar Castillo

    Mac to use Intel Chips!

    Being x86 compatible does not mean OS X will run on any x86 motherboard. Apple can still design the motherboard around their custom chipset so it would only work with systems supplied by them. It may still be a very closed system.