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  1. Oscar Castillo

    Future PowerPC beyond 3.2 ghz?

    Looks like it has no shell at all in the pic. I may get one. Would be nice if the SDK is available to anyone, but I hear it's no easy task to get ahold of. Not like picking up Visual Studio at CompUSA, nor is it part of Visual Studio.
  2. Oscar Castillo

    Future PowerPC beyond 3.2 ghz?

    It's 3 Symmetric cores. 2 hardware threads per core. 2X3=6.
  3. Oscar Castillo

    Future PowerPC beyond 3.2 ghz?

    Well, well, what do you know. According to the XBox 360 developer video it's also water-cooled. Some nice closeup shots of the system board too.
  4. Oscar Castillo

    Future PowerPC beyond 3.2 ghz?

    In the words of the words of the Donald Rumsfeld, "It'll be a long hard slog", but I think anyone here would understand that if they were to try.
  5. Oscar Castillo

    Future PowerPC beyond 3.2 ghz?

    Well, several sites report saying it's not exactly the same G5 we're using, so then you might have to wonder if it's pin compatible with the Apple motherboard. If not then there's probably firmware and chipset support to take into consideration. Cooling the chip doesn't seem to be a problem...
  6. Oscar Castillo

    Future PowerPC beyond 3.2 ghz?

    ZDNet quotes a Microsoft spokesman saying that the XBox 360 demos running on the G5 emulate some of the technology behind XBox. So some stuff is certainly there, some stuff is not. I'm sure they must be pretty close. Specs are impressive. I noticed the max FSB bandwidth is the same as the...
  7. Oscar Castillo

    Future PowerPC beyond 3.2 ghz?

    TimR is correct, the CPU in the XBox is a stripped down PPC. How much has been stripped away is unknown, but at the very least playing with speeds above 3GHz and mass producing them can only help the rest of the PPC line get better. I've always believed that all these PPC derivatives coming...
  8. Oscar Castillo

    Future PowerPC beyond 3.2 ghz?

    I wouldn't sound so sure about that. Where there's a CPU, there always seems a way to get Linux onto there. XBox, PS2, Gamecube all have implementations of Linux running on them. I'm sure there will be hacks to get the new XBox to do things it wasn't intended to do.
  9. Oscar Castillo

    20" VS 23" Cinema Display

    Well, I went with the dual 20" setup. I had checked Dell and I may decide to go with the 24" for one of my PCs. Aside from the wow factor, dual diplays seem far more useful than I had originally imagined. Although I must admit I'm not yet use to the shorter height of the display, which...
  10. Oscar Castillo

    20" VS 23" Cinema Display

    I'm kinda leaning in that direction because of the issues I've heard people having with the 23" CD, but coming from a 21" 4:3 LCD, the height of the 20" CD screen looks drastically shorter and don't know if I can get use to it. Maybe it's just that it looks small in the store.
  11. Oscar Castillo

    20" VS 23" Cinema Display

    I recall a short while ago there was mention of trouble with the 23" CD and some strange coloration of the screen. Is this still happening? I've been considering a 23" CD, but a dual 20" setup might be the way to go for me if there are still some issues with the 23". Does anyone know if it's...
  12. Oscar Castillo

    What difference does Quartz 2D Extreme make if you turn it on?

    Well, I would hope it accelerates all 2D operations, running Xbench I noticed even my OpenGL scores are a bit higher than with it disabled. My Quartz scores almost doubled. The GUI is noticably more responsive to me. I left it enabled with: "sudo defaults write...
  13. Oscar Castillo

    Apple News site announcing G5 Powerbooks at WWDC

    To to crush all hope for those wanting these rumors to be update on the G5 Powerbooks states now that it's not gonna happen. As the website says...Maybe all these rumors will get the same update in short order. Update: Due to engineering problems within Apple, they will now not be...
  14. Oscar Castillo

    Watercooling on iMac G5???

    I thought the same after I had my 17" Apple display for a while, but it was my first LCD and I just thought it was the best thing I ever spent money on.
  15. Oscar Castillo

    Watercooling on iMac G5???

    I went to CompUSA today and roughly measured it and although the width on the 20" ACD is about the same as my 21.3" Samsung, I lose a little over 2" of screen height. Now I have to think about that. The 23" ACD is just perfect, but I can't see myself spending $3k for two of those.
  16. Oscar Castillo

    "Tiger" 10.4.1 maybe in May

    I've been using PNY Memory from CompUSA with no problems. I've also used the same brand RAM Apple sells with their systems from none other than my local generic PC shop. Nanya. And I also agree with Viro on Crucial.
  17. Oscar Castillo

    Watercooling on iMac G5???

    There are plenty of times the widescreen aspect would come in handy for me, but the display looks so small in the store I convince myself it's not what I want, but at $799 though I'm tempted to buy 2 instead of the 23".
  18. Oscar Castillo

    Watercooling on iMac G5???

    I think the dual 2.0 is the sweet deal. Might also get a 23" Cinema, but also considering dual 20" setup. Although I think the 20" seems vertically challenged in my opinion anyway.
  19. Oscar Castillo

    "Tiger" 10.4.1 maybe in May

    Didn't they try that themselves? And did you try an upgrade instead of a clean install? I've heard of all the issues with Tiger but I have yet to have any problems.