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  1. Oscar Castillo

    Watercooling on iMac G5???

    Sounds like you're saying the same thing. Not a slouch, but the iMac is slower. Sure it's usable, but if he is manipulating large images the additional horsepower you get from the low-end dual 2GHz PowerMac can't be beat.
  2. Oscar Castillo

    Any rumors on a possible G6?

    Although there's been a lot of hype around Cell, there may simply not be enough resources within IBM to branch off into so many PPC based architectures. The delays we see may be all due to not having the "assembly line" for each different PPC based chip and not just a design issue - heat...
  3. Oscar Castillo

    Any rumors on a possible G6?

    With almost the entire desktop line refreshed at the same time, which in itself I can't recall the last time that happened. I doubt it'll be before 2006 before a completely new CPU is introduced. How long ago was the last update to the PowerMac? If there's a refresh by end of the year it will...
  4. Oscar Castillo

    Watercooling on iMac G5???

    If manipulating large images in Photoshop is what you do, then you want plenty of RAM and fast access to that RAM. The iMac is not the system for you. The low-end dual 2GHz G5 with its fast FSB is the way to go.
  5. Oscar Castillo

    "Tiger" 10.4.1 maybe in May

    I've yet to hit any problems at all after doing a clean install on my G5. Windows printing, file sharing all seem to work as before. One thing I'm happy to report is the resposiveness of the GUI is much better. iLife05, iWork, Xcode all seem to work fine. But like any new OS, I'm checking for...
  6. Oscar Castillo

    Tiger is already shipping...

    All FedEx express packages go to Memphis even if you send a package to your next door neighbor. That's their central sorting hub.
  7. Oscar Castillo

    Tiger is already shipping...

    I would of thought the Powerbooks would be pre-installed with Tiger. Apple Store still says it comes with Panther. There's no issue with Tiger on a Powerbook, is there?
  8. Oscar Castillo

    New stuff on the Apple Store

    If the manufacturing process can improve to produce the next gen PPC in excess of 3Ghz like the claims made of the Cell. Perhaps Apple will skip 3Ghz altogether. Besides, will a 300Mhz increase some months from now wow anyone? Doubtful unless the next systems are 3, 3.5 and 4GHz.
  9. Oscar Castillo

    New stuff on the Apple Store

    Actually you're correct those were the speeds, but if you do a double-take it's like nothing really changed at all.
  10. Oscar Castillo

    New stuff on the Apple Store

    I think you're right. The displays are cheaper at least about the 20" and 23" displays. 30" looks to be the same.
  11. Oscar Castillo

    Amazon lets the cat out of the bag!!

    Be nice if this were all a clever hoax to catch the person or persons responsible for all the product leaks at Apple and we get better systems at WWDC. But then I come down off my high and realise it's this bad.
  12. Oscar Castillo

    Amazon lets the cat out of the bag!!

    Only positive is the dual 2.0 is worth the $1999. I paid almost that much for my single 1.6 when it came out. The 2.0 will probbaly be the hot seller in this crowd. The 2.3 for the negligible speed increase it may provide will probably be the dud.
  13. Oscar Castillo

    Amazon lets the cat out of the bag!!

    Oh man, the rumors were true. That sucks!
  14. Oscar Castillo

    Apple Store imac and powermac delivery dates

    Don't know about iMacs, but I just checked the ship times and all dual PowerMacs are 3-5 days here in the US. On the 17th I had saved the PowerMac page from the Apple store and all said same day shipping.
  15. Oscar Castillo

    Playing WMV files in Quicktime

    This is helpful to me as I don't partitcularly like using Windows Media Player. Just doesn't seem to work with the same control as Quicktime or even Real Player under OS X. What I'd really like is for IMovie to import Windows Media files.
  16. Oscar Castillo

    Help with text file processing

    Can get a copy that file as well? I'd like to try.
  17. Oscar Castillo

    coding cocoa and quite clueless

    The grid class would be the simplest object to create, but it would be very dynamic as you may have objects move in and out of as well as static objects that never move but may be captured, destroyed, etc... The more complicated part begins with listing all the various objects that you will...
  18. Oscar Castillo

    coding cocoa and quite clueless

    My thought was that he was looking to create array, perhaps a 3 dimensional array x,y,z, where z can hold the various buildings in x,y. 0,0,0='firehouse' 0,0,1='police station' etc.... I hope he replies.
  19. Oscar Castillo

    Any people say the premium on Macs is high.

    On the specifications it links to a PDF with chipset specs.
  20. Oscar Castillo

    Complete ripoff of iPod Shuffle

    I guess it be pretty hard to tune into your favorite station without a display. But then perhaps a few small LEDs will flash you the station in binary. :D