U.S.D.A. Prime
lilbandit said:Where do you get these crazy statements mi5moav? "Portables with G5s have been spotted but they are bulky and the fans are still to loud at this point in time. 80% chance sometime between March 2006 and August 2006 for a G5 or whatever they want to call it in what we would call a powerbook." I'm not having a go, just wondering where the authoritative tone is coming from![]()
Heh... have you been a part of a discussion with mi5moav before? If so, I apologize for reiterating what you already know, but if not, read on:
mi5moav comes here, every now and then for a few days or a week/month at a time, makes some outrageous claims (and some just downright ridiculous) and never backs them up with any information or links or anything. He/she also rarely responds to questions like, "where did that information come from?" and "who is your source?" and "what the hell are you talking about?"
Then he/she disappears... Only to reappear sometime later. Never can tell how long the stretch between appearances will be. One time, it lasted a few months, IIRC.
My theory is that mi5moav is actually Steve Jobs, posing as a forum member and that everything said is absolutely, 100% truthful... it's one of the only explanations I can come up with to explain his/her behavior.

To keep this on topic: it would be silly for Apple not to have toyed with the idea of a PowerBook G5 (with watercooling is a stretch, but, still possible). As part of any testing process, mock-ups are built (remember Apple's old secret "red" PCBs? And the fact that all non-release Apple computers have red motherboards, while release computers had blue or green?) that may or may not fully function. So, the "sighting" of a PowerBook G5 is completely possible, but limited to a select, secretive few. Either mi5moav is one of, or a person close to, one of those select few and this board has a member who brings us a secret "link" deep inside Apple now, or... well, hmm... or what?