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  1. S Corruption after 10.2.1 update!!!

    I agree. MacOS should be as flexible as ever. It's not an ideal situation to be obliged to keep Mail etc in de Applications folder. I like to put all 'internet apps' in one folder, for example. I use a lot of tools and this is the only way to keep it somewhat 'clean'. Besides, it's not...
  2. S

    Jaguar: Where goes the DNS IP?

    I just installed 10.2 on my 500 Mhz [George Lien!] 1st generation TiBook. Had to do a clean install to make it work, probebly because my old system was pretty messed up. Anyway, I wondered if anyone knows where I can type the DNS IP. I can't find a place to put them. OK, websurfing goes fine...
  3. S

    Trying to build MING for OSX - Anyone did the module?

    Hello all, Me and a friend tried to compile MING for OSX, wich ended in a problem with linked libraries. After having read some thread over here, I'm beginning to understand why. Is there by change anyone who got MING working as a module or DID build it for OSX? BTW: MING [...