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  1. vic

    Herve's Bar & Grill

    that's ok, a stack of chebah will keep me warm.. and maybe some booze... mmm booze..
  2. vic

    Herve's Bar & Grill

    whoo hoo! i played tennis today! my first real exercise in 365 day! i need a drink! it was so hot today! very nice! i couldnt do any computer work because of the heat, my back gets sweaty against the seat. i guess it's good thing in the end.
  3. vic

    LTM and Nummi show/ Rated "R"

    i take the bus. have you guys ever heard of something called a bus? or maybe a subway? it's what people who dont own cars and have to travel a long distance use.
  4. vic

    What's YOUR age?

    yup, me too. there, i am at LEAST as smart as you now. ;)
  5. vic

    Your website

    how about looking into REAL(tm) web hosting?
  6. vic

    Herve's Bar & Grill

    whne's WWDC i'm expecting 10.2 and phothsop to come out that day.
  7. vic

    Herve's Bar & Grill

    yup, beautiful day here in TO. i loved it... every moment of my trinitron screen rays ... the sound of my keys being pressed on the keyboard... ahhhh... a beautifull day!
  8. vic

    What's YOUR age?

    obviously i'm not using Omniweb i'm using explorer, which would also prove how microsoft products decrease intelligence ;)
  9. vic

    What's YOUR age?

    that;s just beause of Omniwebs built in spell checker ;)
  10. vic

    The Perigee Project

    YUP! good luck!
  11. vic

    Steve Jobs will make keynotes for WWDC!

    have you seen it in any stores? have you been able to download the trial verion from adobe? have you been able to read in big bold red letter on adobes website PHOTOSHOP 7 IS HERE! no. when you do then i will care if photshop has been shipped or not. untill then the only thing needed shipping...
  12. vic

    Steve Jobs will make keynotes for WWDC!

    what did i say? huh? what did i say? photshop 7 will be announced to the public when 10/2 will come out. or be announced. let's see if this prediction will hold true.
  13. vic


    why? does your teacher SOMETIMES bully you? :) this thread could have included a 4rth option - was bllied and also bullied myself. i know both of these happened to me.
  14. vic

    Steve Jobs will make keynotes for WWDC!

    go to apples webiste, oand go to the os x section. they will introduce code or a preview of some sort of 10.2 or Jaguar most precisely. i hope jaguars are faster than pumas ;)
  15. vic

    The Perigee Project

    sounds nice but sorry i'm too busy, and not really in the position to play make believe right now... unless this fictional company actually paid me 10.000 dolars for my work on their branding, consultin and web design.
  16. vic

    Herve's Bar & Grill

    Play some tragically hip for me!
  17. vic

    Herve's Bar & Grill

    YEAH so we can copy it and sell it cheap!
  18. vic

    What's YOUR age?

    young people that know how to comunicate? is that an oxymoron?
  19. vic

    Herve's Bar & Grill

    yup photoshop is good. adobe didn't f*** up like with ilustrator. that is a pain in the a** or indesign that thing is slow too. flash and photshop are really good. i hope dreamweaver will be good too. then i can forget os 9.
  20. vic

    Your website

    check the thread that i started "waht app do YOU want" i think many people have posted their ideas there.