Herve's Bar & Grill

Originally posted by googolplex
unlearn: you hate summer? I love warm weather. Its just so beautiful.

hehe exactly! it's do darned hot. and bright too. I like winter and fall. cold weather and rainy days are what i'm talkin about! :p

Hey, anyone know anything about dream analysis? I had a dream last night where I loosing teeth quite dramatically. I seem to remember that loosing teeth means something specific, but i can't remember what. Any ideas?
yup, beautiful day here in TO. i loved it... every moment of my trinitron screen rays ... the sound of my keys being pressed on the keyboard... ahhhh... a beautifull day!
Keep in mind that dream representations are different for different people. With that in mind, here's the definition from my Palm dream dictionary....

Teeth: look and see if you are losing or abusing power and control in any area of your life especially if you are losing teeth in your dream or if they are breaking away) Dreaming about teeth may be a bad omen which suggests financial difficulties as well.

Hope that helps a bit :)
Photoshop's been officially released, if you haven't heard, vic. Released, as in Adobe released, not Apple released. (That would mean we'd still have to wait a few months, lol)...
lol :p
weird canadian system ;) --- over here in amerika we are overprotected and yet probably the most screwed up because of it :p (I mean take a look at pediphile priests for crying out loud :p)

The mix is titled Rhythm and Sex for a reason lol ;) Some songs have "hints" of the above theme, but most of the songs are explicit. (I wanted to explore my naughty side lol...) --- so this is a mix which minors wont be listening to ;) -- all this even though the songs are freely available on the net and in CD shops :P

I am trying to make the cover-art a little "leave it to the imagination" kind of imagery, but I am not sure what direction it will take. Maybe I will ask a few artistically inclined people on the board to help me out lol :p

Admiral I think my virgin ears would be broken open and lit on fire if I heard your mix :). What songs di you mix? Anything that I would know?
Bling, the worst time of year is fall and spring. It's like the weather just can't decide?
Should I be able to be out playing basketball, or should I be able to pick the snowboard out of the garage? Spring and fall eliminate both those.
I don't feel like it's hard to choose, here in good ol' Norway summer is just about as cold as winter...spring is the only hot time.
I hate summer weather. It's always too hot, and it's so much more difficult to enjoy anything with the heat that seems like it's everywhere. I always feel heat a lot more than most people anyway. Cold weather is great, though--you can always warm up (and I barely feel cold) and there's that freshness to the air that's totally gone in summer. In the summertime (at least here in New York) it's not just hot, it's HUMID-- and it makes life impossible. In somewhere like California, where I used to live (such a long time ago...) it's just hot--that I can deal with. But hot and humid just really, really doesn't work for me. I really prefer the cold, when you can go home and warm up, versus the heat, where you go home and it's just as hot. Even with the air conditioning on, the moment you step outside you're no better off than if you didn't even have air conditioning...

The best weather, IMO, is the ten or fifteen minutes before a winter storm. Now that's cool! It's cold, but that electric feeling is still in the air... I'd take that over summertime storms any day.. :)
Heh, and I want to live a warmer place :p
Maybe a warm place in winter, and a cold place in summer would be the perfect combinition?
Thats what I have in toronto. 30+ temperatures in the summer and lots of negative temperatures in the winter. Its great to have variety.

Oh, Celsius again. Right.
America is such a wierd country.

Is 30 actually very high, even for Celsius? It's not, right?
Originally posted by googolplex
Thats what I have in toronto. 30+ temperatures in the summer and lots of negative temperatures in the winter. Its great to have variety.

Agh, I hate winter. Maybe it's because the temperature changes from -20°C to 5°C every week and the weather is never good, at least it makes the foots of snow melt...
It's too dark in the winter, too. On the darkest, we only get a couple of hours of daylight, not especially strange that a lot of norwegians are sad/depressed in the fall and winter...

Aah! Spring! 16°C and sun all day! Whee!
And yes, 30°C is pretty high.
I don't wanna go find a temperature converter :p

Spring break is simply the coolest, who doesn't not like going to school for a week? (I think that made sense...)

It's really warm here in Central New York for this early in spring. It was almost 90°F, or about 32°C for you weirdos. Today it's over 70. Maybe we'll have to start believing in global warming. Actually, how about not...

The geese are coming back too, you can hear them outside :p
Considering that the majority of the world runs on the Celsius scale, I don't think it's quite fair to ask them all to convert to Fahrenheit. Just remember that 30 is hot, 5 is cold, and 20 is somewhere in between. ;)
google I dont think your virgin ears would have a problem :p lol... maybe I should post my mix with a pseudonym hahahahaha ;) if you wanna listen to it so much ;)

Here is what I mixed: (some of em)
DJ Aligator
DJ visage

some more too that I cant remember
