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  1. vic

    The story behind your screen name

    hope the guy is not reading this!!!:p so what's withthe baby? dit it get infected with ebola?:D
  2. vic

    LTM and Nummi show/ Rated "R"

    1. some sweedish (translated to romanian) story about a kid who got cursed to be very small and understand animal talk. then he went on the neck of a few tame geese who decided to go wild and this took him (while on the back of the geese) through different adventures around the world for about a...
  3. vic

    The story behind your screen name

  4. vic

    LTM and Nummi show/ Rated "R"

    who's kaylee? anyway on with the questions adn when will my midget arrive?
  5. vic

    LTM and Nummi show/ Rated "R"

    really? mustv' been senne then!
  6. vic

    Herve's Bar & Grill

    you right! how could i forget the colons?! ah well...
  7. vic

    The "post a picture" thread

    or light blue / purplish because of yhe red blue combo, adn the guy's eye are closed. so u don't know.
  8. vic

    The "post a picture" thread

    i wouldn't want to be an albino.
  9. vic

    Would we see Mac .NET?

    selling operating systems is not profitable, ask linux distros. forcing OEM's to buy your operating system is profitable, ask microsoft.
  10. vic

    April 10.

    yes, but most of the crayons are green. mmmm good crayons.
  11. vic

    April 10.

    leal rinking age in germany - 16. trust me whn epeople have more freedom, after while sense preails and things fall under control. freedom is not such a hard thing to manage once it's handed out, one must only have a little common sense. btw, i know 14 year old kid in germany who goes to...
  12. vic

    Herve's Bar & Grill

    well that machine is much better than mine! hope you enjoy it when you get it. and the lack of front page on mac might make you want to learn golive or dreamweaver:rolleyes:
  13. vic

    Your website

    and your rant should have started where you thought it ended.
  14. vic

    Your website

    hey man relax, did i say they don't make money? did i say they are not functional? i just think design wise your personal site is better looking than the other too, there is no reason why a simple site can be functiona and good looking at the same time. an no my sites arent making money that's...
  15. vic

    The "post a picture" thread

    so why did you tell us it was you?
  16. vic

    Would we see Mac .NET?

    listen, i apreciate your imput, but where did you hear about os x being ported to the ibm compatible market? it's not going to happen. i'm sure of that but if it does i'll make sure we meet and then you can kick me in the ass.
  17. vic

    Your website

    and next time when you quote me quote my entire message please especially if you are going to criticize it. i don't like to be taken out of context.
  18. vic

    Your website

    take a shot. no really, you think i can't handle it? and i meant that with honesty. why should i even post if i can't be honest? the guy's personal site rocks ass so i am not insulting the guy or his skills, it's obvious he has skills ok?! but maybe he should apply them to other things than...
  19. vic

    LTM and Nummi show/ Rated "R"

    ok sorry for the delay i was chating with the midget. electronica, anything that sounds remotely with the prodigy - the best band in the world!
  20. vic

    April 10.

    well i must admit, no. but that seemed a subtle way of indicating it's my birthday... and from the looks of it it's a toooo subtle way of indicating it's my birthday or nobody really cares... :p