April 10.

thank you putamare, and rinse, wait till nightfall, THEN... btw, drinks are on me at herve's!!!
well i must admit, no. but that seemed a subtle way of indicating it's my birthday... and from the looks of it it's a toooo subtle way of indicating it's my birthday or nobody really cares... :p
drinking age: maybe not 18, but definitely 19.... if the drinking age is 18, many high school seniors could go out on a wednesday night and get hammered legally, i think this would lead to a bad scene for students.
Originally posted by rinse
drinking age: maybe not 18, but definitely 19.... if the drinking age is 18, many high school seniors could go out on a wednesday night and get hammered legally, i think this would lead to a bad scene for students.

leal rinking age in germany - 16. trust me whn epeople have more freedom, after while sense preails and things fall under control. freedom is not such a hard thing to manage once it's handed out, one must only have a little common sense.

btw, i know 14 year old kid in germany who goes to school with a bong in his back pack :)
Here in Denmark the legal drinking age is 18, but kids can walk into any store buy beers if you are 15, they never check their age. I don't think it's a big problem here. After the first couple of times with a hangover and responsible parents, they get the picture and don't drink too much anyways.

Just to compare...here you can't get a drivers license unless you are 18 and in the US I think it's 15. Now tell me what's the most dangerous action?
Originally posted by dricci
I think the legal drinking age should be 18 :eek:

*ducks* :rolleyes:

Ahbah! America is soooo stupid. I mean: You can drive at an age of 16 an drink at an age of 20? 22? That's sooo daim STUPID! At an age of 16, you're really not able to drive a car. You do such stupid things..... You want to enjoy life by crashing into walls or trees.. FUN!! (sarcastic) In belgium you're allowed to drink at an age of 16/17 i think, and drive on your 18. Isn't that a little bit smarter? (argument on me please)
