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    Soundcard replacement for a Powermac G4

    Looks perfect, sound quality is good though? Music tends to always be playing and I'm aching to take it back off my Macbook :/
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    Keyboard drivers on a Macbook under Windows XP

    Uninstalled them and reinstalled and updated them blabla with the device manager, didn't help. I'll check the Software Update thingie later! Hope it helps :p
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    Keyboard drivers on a Macbook under Windows XP

    Bump, still no fix? I did get a PC keyboard to avoid the matter alltogether now when I'm at home, but it's far from useful anywhere else. Not being able to use <>{}[] and the like is murder when trying to program anything ...
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    MacBook keyboard not recognised on install

    I had issues with my Macbook as well, simply trashing it all again and starting over solved it for me though (that includes doing a full format of my Macbook :s). Might not work for you though the problem seems a bit different. Also, it will never work properly unless you have a US qwerty...
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    Soundcard replacement for a Powermac G4

    I recently broke the soundjack in my Powermac (I heard an audible *snap* and it stopped working alltogether, and for that matter, there's nothing going through the outputs in terms of current so it's definitely broken properly). Now I'm left with two options, either weld it back since it's...
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    Keyboard drivers on a Macbook under Windows XP

    First of all a little background information as to explain why I'm reluctant to try and fiddle with the drivers myself ... I installed Windows XP a couple of days ago to program under a .NET environment (which is non existant on Mac OS X for the obvious reasons). It took me roughly 7 hours...
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    Viruses On Os X

    I still have a wild collection of nVir B and nVir A infected files on my Floppy disks somewhere. Though the only thing that ever did was a) be near impossible to exterminate and b) say beep every couple of hours, so I was never really bothered :) Those were the days though! I'm trying to recall...
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    What is 'dashboardadvisoryd' for?

    It tries to connect to on a http-port. I disabled Dashboard in the Terminal, deleted the application and removed all the widgets. Is there no way to permanently rid myself of it? /sigh What does it do, why does it try to connect, and how do I exterminate the little annoying...
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    Removing Dashboard?

    Is there anyway to remove Dashboard entirely? Or at least disable it permanently? Removing it from just the dock is just not satisfying :) And a bunch of pages further on the search function: defaults write mcx-disabled -boolean YES Thanks :)
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    Will Civilization 4 work on a 1.42 eMac?

    Try Rise of Nations Gold edition. It's a fun version of Age of Empires. They say it's a mix of Age of Empires and Civilization but it's really more like Age of Empires with some more features and some more fun worked in it (imo). On topic, I tested Civ IV on a Powermac DP G4 2x1.25Ghz with 2 Gb...
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    How do I set BCC addresses in Mail?

    Is this possible in Mail or do I have to use a third party e-Mail client (I guess I _could_ install Entourage from the Office CD but I really rather not). I'd love to send my holiday greeting and whatnot to a bunch of people, but I'd hate to show people's private e-Mail address to everyone...
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    External hard disk

    Is there a way to format an external HD as Fat32 on a Mac? Or at least to a file system a Windows can read? If not, what application do I use on a Windows to format an external HD to Fat32 (I'm completely clueless for Windows ...) Thanks in advance, Frederik-Jan
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    Powermac G4 not booting, just gives a little light :/

    You misunderstand :) The machine doesn't boot, _at all_. Nothing turns on on the inside, nothing has a current going through it, other than the LED for the Power button. For me though the problem solved itself after leaving the machine unplugged overnight. (Even if you do try zapping the...
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    What does configd do?

    Fanks :)
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    What does configd do?

    Enough is in the title really, but I'm noticing it wants to connect at the start to IP6-address using an IPv6-ICMP protocol, and then randomly to some IP address at my ISP (haven't bothered to check where exactly, but it's using port 80 (which is http iirc). I've stopped it from...
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    Powermac G4 not booting, just gives a little light :/

    The Powermac (MDD, Dual 1.25 Ghz) lost power while it was in "Sleep" mode. Other than that nothing happened (bar me accidently unplugging it while doing some work on cabling). Now it won't start up anymore. When I press the power button, the power button lights up, stays lit up as long as...
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    Error 11

    What exactly does this mean: 11 dsMiscErr miscellaneous hardware exception error ... and what do I do about it :P Running Mac OS 9, installed on a Powerbook G4 Titanium 1 Ghz with a faulty battery, broken Superdrive. Installed from a G4 733 Tower, starting up the Powerbook with...
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    Installing Mac OS X on a Powerbook without DVD/CD

    Isn't it licensed for all my home use computers? Like the Microsoft Office I have gives me 3 registration numbers :D
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    Installing Mac OS X on a Powerbook without DVD/CD

    I have the Mac OS X Tiger DVD, and it's running purrty on my Powermac, alas, my old Powerbook G4 who has seen better days badly needs a reinstallation of the OS. The old 10.3 on there is hardly even recognizable and half of the functions are not even working properly, or just missing! Now the...