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  1. J

    Sherklock 3 problem

    This is what I get when I try to start Sherlock 3 in my freshly installed copy of Jaguar: It just stays that way forever. Any clues?
  2. J word association!

  3. J

    CD Drive can't read CD's but DVD's....

    I'm not sure what you mean by garbage characters but I can't see any weird text. Seems like I have a SR-8584A rev. s15C
  4. J

    CD Drive can't read CD's but DVD's....

    Didn't solve my problem...:(
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    CD Drive can't read CD's but DVD's....

    First of all I don't use OS 9, second I can't use the install CD because the CD-ROM doesn't work! :( :p
  6. J

    CD Drive can't read CD's but DVD's....

    I have a Apple prebuilt Matshita DVD-ROM in my old G4 400 AGP tower (not burner). A couple of days ago I had to take it out to replace it with a borrowed CD-Burner to burn some CD's. Since I put the old one back I have been unable to read regular CD-ROM's and audio-cd's. The only thing...
  7. J word association!

  8. J

    just some iPod questions

    If you take a look in 'settings - date and time - set time zone', you will only see a list of many cities. And Oslo is not one of them!
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    just some iPod questions

    can I have the clock in 24hr format?
  10. J

    just some iPod questions

    I've had my iPod for some months now and I think it's a great player. And the 1.2 update is nice too. But I have som Q's 1. The clock: Every time I stop using my iPod and it goes into sleep mode (or whatever it is) the clock gets unsynched. It's like it stops ticking or something when its...
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    Zoom Zoom Zoom

    Mac is so Apple :D
  12. J

    Got Jag?

    What is the difference between normal and clean install? And what does the cd 2 contain? Is it necceseary?
  13. J

    Burning .dmg on Windows

    :D Well thanks NeYo, but the problem is that the file is on a PC, and that PC is not in my house. And the file is around 500MB so sending it to my Mac, and then send it back to the PC over internet can take SOME time.... So what I wanna do is turn the .dmg file into a bootable CD with my PC...
  14. J

    Burning .dmg on Windows

    I know this topic maybe not fit here so well but I couldn't find a better place to put it. So, I have this .dmg file that I have on a PC and I need to burn it to a bootable CD on the PC. ISO or HFS I don't know. Can anyone give me instructions how to do this and which apps to use and so...
  15. J word association!

  16. J

    Test your real-world machine speed...

    10 Billion Typical: 365.2 Fast: 789.5 No apps running PowerMac G4 AGP 400Mhz 256 RAM
  17. J word association!

  18. J

    I Admire Steve Jobs

    Yeah that's what it means, I just mixed up;)
  19. J

    I Admire Steve Jobs

    He IS the chairman, CEO means Chairman Excutive Officer.... ;)