Search results

  1. J word association!

  2. J word association!

  3. J word association!

    Banana :D
  4. J word association!

    iPod (the commercial)
  5. J word association!

    quality and friendliness ;)
  6. J word association!

  7. J

    Does Steve Jobs still use a peesee?

    does it really mather???:p
  8. J word association!

  9. J

    did you know...?
  10. J

    Herve's Bar & Grill

    I love summer too, I have been bathing (in a lake) for 4 days in a row now!:D
  11. J

    Does iChat Have Logging?

    Logging is when the IM app records/logs everything you write/receive of text with your buddies to a text file (for later viewing, if you for example closed the window and forgot some important info that was sent to you...). There should be an option for turning this on or of in the prefs in...
  12. J

    Does iChat Have Logging?

    I know wolf and wdw has got their selves a copy of jaguar and iChat, so why don't you ask them? I'm curious too btw...
  13. J

    Herve's Bar & Grill

    And .dev.lqd took it instead! (kind of):D
  14. J

    Why iChat?

    It's all about money.:(
  15. J

    Herve's Bar & Grill

    I know Kjetil, that sucks! I have the same subscription and if they are going to charge per megabyte I'm going to be a poor man soon!:( (Because I download very much every day) What bothers me is that my current subscription is binding for a year:mad: Anyway I hope that the other adsl-companies...
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    ahem... macGUY ;)
  17. J

    Am I the only one that likes the brushed metal?

    I think Apple should remove the stripes from the aqua theme. Aqua would get a much slicker look then.
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    2.53GHz Pentium

    Or 68k :D
  19. J

    Why iChat?

    too bad all my friends use MSN...:(
  20. J

    A look inside Jaguar

    IE is still in the dock... Another thing: Isn't it a little strange that Apple makes a program that supports AOL? (iChat)