Does iChat Have Logging?


Please don't flame me for 30 iChat threads, but if anyone knows, does it have chat/message logging like Adium? And are there any other window modes like Adium? Thanks!! :D
OK, here's the thing. I never ever chatted before I tried iChat, so I don't know what logging is. Please explain.
logging means that every chat message you send or receive is saved to disk in some systematic way. just like email is saved in a big email structure, chat conversations can be saved for future reference.

just look for it to mention logging anywhere in preferences.
Logging is when the IM app records/logs everything you write/receive of text with your buddies to a text file (for later viewing, if you for example closed the window and forgot some important info that was sent to you...). There should be an option for turning this on or of in the prefs in iChat.

edit: ah you came before me ;) anyway...
Ouch...:( I was really hoping that iChat would have logging...I probably wont be using it without it, no matter how nice it looks.

Maybe it will be implemented in the final release along with a tabbed interface similar to Adium...hey, a guy can wish right? ;)
I don't know if this has been mentioned somewhere, but I just noticed that iChat now has a logging feature.
Is this in a newer version or what?

you think you can send a screenshot?

If so, then iChat is looking up...a bit, anyways...