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  1. Z

    system is slowing down after installations

    i have 3GB of memory, regarding the Activity Monitor ill check and send in a screen shot
  2. Z

    system is slowing down after installations

    its a 150GB, and the G5 is a one processor system (not the dual one)
  3. Z

    i still see black screen and code at startup

    DeltaMac i just did your prompt to reset the PRAM an all is ok now! Many thanx! ;)
  4. Z

    i still see black screen and code at startup

    In the beginning my PBook was configured in verbose boot so all the code was seen as it booted. Now i have stopped it using the terminal commands but still in the very beginning there is a black screen and a little coding displayed. Can this be stopped also?
  5. Z

    powerbook 1.67ghz that reads DL?

    Is this possible? My PB surely reads DL DVD+R but i have no idea if it can read DL DVD-R. Attached is that what kind of dvd it is fro system profiler but i have no clue from what it sais if its DL DVD-R compatible! Heck if i wouldnt of tested it reading those specs would make me think its was...
  6. Z

    a bootable dvd

    damn it, im certainly going bananas, ok, all i have is the image file which happens to be a cdr... what do i do with it in order to install it to my hdd?
  7. Z

    a bootable dvd

    well there is another mac in the house that could do the burning!
  8. Z

    a bootable dvd

    Or should i just go for the DLdvd option? that way i would have my Leopard dvd ready anytime i wish to make an installation or boot from it to make a permissions fix or whateva!
  9. Z

    a bootable dvd

    Can someone please explain to me in more detail so i can understand whats going on with that kind of installation? In simple steps plz if possible, and remember my case is a Powerbook with 2USB1 ports and one FW400. So plz recommend me the best/easiest solution. Also there are two ext hd, one...
  10. Z

    system is slowing down after installations

    What is the reason that my system speed is slowing down when i install more applications? For example, when i make a fresh installation of the OS (Leopard on a G5) Safari is very fast not only in browsing but in opening etc. Then i begin to install Adobe CS2 or the major system software update...
  11. Z

    a bootable dvd

    and one more thing i want to ask, to which point does the system notify me that the OSX disc used cannot be used if its an OEM for eg. will it let me begin installation or what?
  12. Z

    a bootable dvd

    LeoTheLion89 let me say that i have no such big usb drive to use (only a big enough ext hd) and that im going to install Leopard on one of the earliest Powerbooks that doesnt have any usb2 ports just two usb1 and one fw, if this is of an important info to what you say.
  13. Z

    a bootable dvd

    yeah seems difficult... i guess ill go to the old DL DVD solution, damn it!
  14. Z

    a bootable dvd

    i see, big issue now is that the ext drive has only usb ports :confused: what do i do now? i guess this solution goes down the drain... right?
  15. Z

    a bootable dvd

    how do i do the restoring from DUtility?
  16. Z

    a bootable dvd

    i have a powerbook and want to boot leopard from an ext HD, i can use either FW or USB1 is it possible? How do i boot from the extHD so i dont get in the DVD way?
  17. Z

    Booting of a HD isnt so easy cause i want to install the OS to a powerbook. Meaning, only USB...

    Booting of a HD isnt so easy cause i want to install the OS to a powerbook. Meaning, only USB ports and non powered. Ok anyway suppose i do it, do i just leave the dmg in the partition? Is that enough? and then what? do i boot ressing alt and choosing the ext drive?
  18. Z

    a bootable dvd

    How do i create a bootable dvd from my original leopard disc? Original is lost somewhere but luckily i still have a dmg created out of it, but i don't know if i created it properly, if it should be created properly that is!
  19. Z

    two disabled fonts folders?

    Both in Tiger and in Leopard -that were not updated from previous osx- those two folders exist. Of course other apps are installed in both of those configurations if thats of any help!
  20. Z

    two disabled fonts folders?

    just curious why are they there for? if it was one folder, what would it normally be used for?