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  1. nb3004

    HELP! my ipod is messed

    you could try using it as a firewire drive and update songs manually, but thats not really a good solution, im sure some has a more exact idea of how to help
  2. nb3004

    HELP! my ipod is messed

  3. nb3004 word association!

  4. nb3004 word association!

    hey hey hey
  5. nb3004

    Looking for a good shooter, multiplayer game...

    where could i find marathon, preferably the trilogy set that had the level editor software?
  6. nb3004

    simply stunning stories

    There is a Radiohead song,"Fitter Happier", that uses the the "fred" voice the first time i heard it on my computer i thought it was talking back to me haha. I guess the lead singer used a powerbook in the studio one night. hmmmm i should post this in the thread about macs in society too :)
  7. nb3004 word association!

  8. nb3004

    MWSF Official Thread

    I highly doubt this would happen Steve Jobs said in a Rolling Stone Article (i believe) that downloading movies now does not offer instant gratification like .mp3's do ...sorry aac's (that doesnt sound as cool) :D
  9. nb3004 word association!

  10. nb3004

    A PC after Apple's Heart

    i like the guy in the background trying to look cool or like he is with her hahahahaha :p :D :cool:
  11. nb3004

    Leonard Nimoy as Youve Never Seen Him!!! simply amazing

    they all had pointed sideburns during the old series, i considered growing mine like that cause if the show haha, im only 20 too :D
  12. nb3004

    Leonard Nimoy as Youve Never Seen Him!!! simply amazing

    or he made the video to promote this
  13. nb3004

    Leonard Nimoy as Youve Never Seen Him!!! simply amazing

    My sentiments exactly
  14. nb3004

    Leonard Nimoy as Youve Never Seen Him!!! simply amazing

    as a recovering Star Trek geek, this is really really cool to me its an amaZing song and right in time for LOTR's :D
  15. nb3004

    Dual iMac

    ok this is more of a joke but i think i would be a pretty cool Apple novelty machine
  16. nb3004

    The Movies That You Like A Lot

    was it Rushmore?
  17. nb3004

    Greatest Scenes in Cinema

    GoodFellas--Pesci blows away Spyder the kid serving drinks during the poker game. absolutely Jawdropping
  18. nb3004

    Greatest Scenes in Cinema

    I knew it was at the end of the alphabet ;) :D The end of The Untouchables when Kevin Costner chases the baby carriage down the stairs and Andy Garcia ends up picking off the final bad guy in dramatic fashion.
  19. nb3004

    Greatest Scenes in Cinema

    Since we seem to have many active thread on Films i thought id throw one more in, name some of the Best Scenes in a Film...go!! Apocalypse Now.... Robert Duvall leading his men and helicopters against a Vietnamese Town, to the tune of Vivaldi (i think), quite an amazing scene
  20. nb3004

    What is your last study ?

    next semester looks fun for myself, i finally get to go into some electives and fun courses instead of dull crap, Film as Literature Modern Architecture 2D Animation Interactive Multimedia World Cinema :D