Greatest Scenes in Cinema


Postmaster General
Since we seem to have many active thread on Films i thought id throw one more in, name some of the Best Scenes in a Film...go!!

Apocalypse Now.... Robert Duvall leading his men and helicopters against a Vietnamese Town, to the tune of Vivaldi (i think), quite an amazing scene
(Not Vivaldi, Richard Wagner, March of the Valkyries. It is an amazing scene, I agree.)

Anyone knows this film called Warriors, produced by the BBC ? Very probably the best film made on the Yugoslavian conflict(s). Well, one of the last scene, in the supermarket - extremely poignant.

A link to Warriors:

At this link, a few user commentaries will show you how powerful the film is. There's even a comment made by a former Bosnia soldier saying the film is indeed realistic.
Once Upon a Time in the West, Sergio Leone.

The scene in the first saloon, on the road to the farm.

We understand who is Claudia Cardinale, we see Bronson very quiet, and we discover Jason Robards. The goods are here... only the evil is missing (Fonda).
Richard Wagner
I knew it was at the end of the alphabet ;) :D

The end of The Untouchables when Kevin Costner chases the baby carriage down the stairs and Andy Garcia ends up picking off the final bad guy in dramatic fashion.
Lest we forget the ending of Casablanca, where Rick makes the decision between being happy with the love of his life, and helping a the patriotic cause during WWII.
I love the scene in Fight Club where he puts lye on his hand. Also in the very end (I won't say what happens incase you haven't seen it).
GoodFellas--Pesci blows away Spyder the kid serving drinks during the poker game. absolutely Jawdropping
The saving scene of an otherwise worthless movie, the Untouchables - Connery knows the guy is after him in his house and says "just like a wop to bring a knife to a gunfight."

On the lighter side, Indian Jones one - the mamluk appears waving saracen swords and Indiana shrugs and plugs him with his revolver.

And gotta agree the scene from Bladerunner where Hauser saves decker and dies is too good.
pds said:
On the lighter side, Indian Jones one - the mamluk appears waving saracen swords and Indiana shrugs and plugs him with his revolver.

Little-known fact; There was supposed to be an elaborate fight scene several minutes long. The day they shot that, Ford was tired, so he just shot him.

They all thought it was funny, so they kept it.
THE scene in Ring (Japanese version). Won't say what happens cos it spoils it, but anyone whose seen it will know what i mean. My flatmate at the time, who is a 30yr old civil servant and horror film buff, jumped about 3 feet in the air and screamed! Sleeping afterward was kinda hard.
