Search results

  1. gollum84

    G4 FW800 Hardrive?

    I recently added an 80GB hardrive in my G4, right next the drive that came with my computer. I was looking in my manual and it says I can have 4 drives, 2 in front and 2 in the back. The back drives are ATA100 and the front is ATA66. Can I put a ATA100 or 133 drive in the front bay or does it...
  2. gollum84

    Very Old Mac

    You can easily turn a 1.4MB floppy into either a 400 or 800k disk. All you have to do is put a piece of scotch tape over the open hole in the upper corner of the disk. Then the drive will be confused and think that its an older disk. You can then format the disk in your older mac to whatever...
  3. gollum84

    Any Good Flash Tutorials?

    I'm a newbie to Flash and for my Digital Design class, we have to make an interactive flash piece that displays a series of images and sounds. I am going to make an interactive portfolio, and need to know the step by step processes on how to do stuff. So does anyone know of a few good...
  4. gollum84

    Upgrading hard drive in G4

    Thanks for the reply. I didn't want to buy a 133 drive and find out that my computer couldn't use it.
  5. gollum84

    Upgrading hard drive in G4

    I am running out of hard drive space, since I do alot of illustrations and starting to do video work, and want to install a second drive in my computer. I have a 1GHz PowerMac G4 FW800 tower. In the manual it says I can install an Ultra ATA/100, Ultra ATA/66 or Ultra ATA device. I am looking...
  6. gollum84

    Apple are planning a press conference for September 7

    Check out these links. Do you think they are real?
  7. gollum84

    hp LaserJet 1022 Compatibility with Tiger 10.4

    I just bought an HP Laserjet 1022 last week and it works great. I am running 10.4.2 on my PowerMac G4 and it is 100% compatible. It comes with a driver CD, so all I did was install the driver and followed the instructions that came in the box. It is extremely fast too, first page out in 7...
  8. gollum84

    Ps3 Cpu?

    I was looking at the tech specs for the Playstation3 and saw that its CPU is a 3.2GHz PowerPC. If both the PS3 and the PowerMac G5 use similar PowerPC chips, why hasn't there been a speed jump for the G5? Look at the link below to see what I mean. PS3 Tech Specs
  9. gollum84

    iPod Camera Connector

    Does anyone know if the iPod Camera Connector will work with a 3rd Gen 10GB iPod. The reason is because I will be going to the Grand Canyon and to California in July for vacation, and I'll be taking a lot of pictures with my Canon digital camera. It would be great to use the Camera Connector...
  10. gollum84

    iMac DV Speakers Clicking and Popping

    I think I figured it out. It's an iMac so the speakers are internal. The iSub sub-woofer was plugged directly into the iMac's USB port, so maybe there was interference with the speakers somehow. So I decided to plug the iSub directly into the iMac's keyboard. PLUS...... I just...
  11. gollum84

    Tiger on iMac DV/SE?

    I am planning on installing Tiger on my iMac DV/SE tomorrow. It already meets the requirements, it is running OS 9.1 and has the firmware update 4.1.9. Which install should I do? Archive and Install? or Erase and Install? I can't do Upgrade Mac OS X since the iMac is running 9.1.
  12. gollum84

    iMac DV Speakers Clicking and Popping

    I hope someone can help. My sister was watching a DVD on her iMac DV/SE and every once and a while, there's a static clicking sound that comes from the speakers. She has a USB hub connected to one port and an iSub sub-woofer connected to the other USB port. What is causing the popping sound...
  13. gollum84

    What Song Are You Playing Now?

    Holiday - Green Day - 3:52
  14. gollum84

    Money for iPod users.

    I got a letter yesterday in the mail, Superior Court of the State of California, County of San Mateo. It is addressed to "All persons or entities residing in the United States who purchased or obtained a new first, second or third generation iPod on or before May 31, 2004. Luckily I still...
  15. gollum84

    Macosx Webspace

    Does anyone have a real reason why I can't access my Account Management settings? EDIT: This was just in response to that wolf-guy spamming everyone, including me.
  16. gollum84

    XSI on OSX petition

    Anim8r, I just signed your petition because for a career, I want to get into movie special effects. I bought Maya 6 and I'm in the process of learning it, since Maya is really the only choice for OSX. Hopefully with this petition, Softimage XSI will be ported to the Mac. I really want to try...
  17. gollum84

    Old school Mac games

    Look's like somebody revived my old post from December. I bought a PowerMac 7300/200 on ebay, so now I can finally play Tie Fighter and SimCity 2000 again. Those were the good old days of mac gaming. :D
  18. gollum84

    DataTile UI

    The Japanese have done it again. This has to be the craziest thing I have ever seen. It's like something out of Star Wars or Star Trek. Go to the link below, see for yourself and tell me what you think.
  19. gollum84

    Macosx Webspace

    I want to create my own site and upload it to, but everytime I go to Account Management to find out my ftp login and info, it says "We are currently experiencing technical difficulties". Does anyone now when it will be fixed or does someone else have the information I need?
  20. gollum84

    iTunes and Tiger

    I just ordered Tiger today from the Apple Store using my education discount. So right now I'm in the process of backing up all of my important data. My question concerns all my music in iTunes. I plan on doing a clean install of Tiger and that will erase everything on my hardrive, including...