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  1. J

    Apache 1.3.20, garbled apple_hfs_module

    you should have the latest version of the dev tools installed. apples cc compiler is gcc compatible with a couple of tricks up it's sleeve. libdl as shipped is compiled into the main system library and there should be a symbolic link placed in the /usr/lib directory to leflect this...
  2. J

    Apache 1.3.20, garbled apple_hfs_module

    I believe that Scott Anguish has posted the correct instructions for making this transition to 1.3.20 on 10.04. The problem is certainly that you have to recompile the; however you need the source!!! it is available at stepwise. they have a search...
  3. J

    That annoying little code red

    Just to go totally off topic...... If you want to see some shell scripts in action read through the files in /System/Library/StartupItems you will notice that they start with #!/bin/sh there should be some manpages this is not a computer it is a reference library most of...
  4. J

    That annoying little code red

    Seems to have a lot to do with location August Code Red intrusion attemps thus far: 5352 plus since 8/16: 2480 ----------------- 7832 the first is on 8/4 7832/17=~460 per day NOTE: Here in Japan we have a service called OCN which is set up by NTT. I don't know...
  5. J

    That annoying little code red

    This <B>CODE RED</B> doesn't really affect mac or linux users directly, however.... This type of thing causes ISP to change policy, and government to create new laws. Next, you will have to have a license to serve a simple web page. (and unfortunately, they will hire microsoft to help...
  6. J

    That annoying little code red

    hey Fahrvergnuugen good job buddy That is just what I was hinting at. I haven't done anything with IIS servers since windows NT4 just came out and I was real unimpressed at that time. so I didn't posess any immediate knowledge about how to take them out. This is only a temporary...
  7. J

    That annoying little code red

    August Code Red intrusion attemps thus far: 5352 I am on a downstream from an OC3 which stretches from Korea to San Jose California. Apparently korea has been hit hard by this and probably ignorant of the problem as well. it took a week before any of the appropriate agencies...
  8. J

    Perl Framework Install?

    That framework doesn't exist unless you install it. Why does the package insist that you need it. perl 5.6.0 is installed on OSX 10.0x it is possible to install a lesser version and it should appear as you have indicated. better to try installing the most current version of your...