Ok, here's my options & output. Pretty similar to tazmandevil's. I upped the "verbosity" of the output, so you can see more clearly what's going on.
[root@dreamstatic: apache_1.3.20] # ./configure --with-perl=/usr/bin/perl --enable-module=most --enable-shared=max --enable-module=so --disable-rule=WANTHSREGEX --enable-suexec --suexec-caller=www --suexec-docroot=/Library/WebServer/Documents --server-uid=www --server-gid=www --suexec-logfile=/var/log/httpd/suexec.log -v
Configuring for Apache, Version 1.3.20
+ using installation path layout: Darwin (config.layout)
Creating Makefile
Creating Configuration.apaci in src
+ Rule SHARED_CORE=default
+ Rule SHARED_CHAIN=default
+ Rule SOCKS4=no
+ Rule SOCKS5=no
+ Rule IRIXNIS=no
+ Rule IRIXN32=yes
+ Rule PARANOID=no
+ Rule EXPAT=default
+ Rule DEV_RANDOM=default
+ Module mmap_static: no [shared]
+ Module vhost_alias: yes [shared]
+ Module env: yes [shared]
+ Module log_config: yes [shared]
+ Module log_agent: no [shared]
+ Module log_referer: no [shared]
+ Module mime_magic: yes [shared]
+ Module mime: yes [shared]
+ Module negotiation: yes [shared]
+ Module status: yes [shared]
+ Module info: yes [shared]
+ Module include: yes [shared]
+ Module autoindex: yes [shared]
+ Module dir: yes [shared]
+ Module cgi: yes [shared]
+ Module asis: yes [shared]
+ Module imap: yes [shared]
+ Module actions: yes [shared]
+ Module speling: yes [shared]
+ Module userdir: yes [shared]
+ Module alias: yes [shared]
+ Module rewrite: yes [shared]
+ Module access: yes [shared]
+ Module auth: yes [shared]
+ Module auth_anon: yes [shared]
+ Module auth_dbm: yes [shared]
+ Module auth_db: no [shared]
+ Module digest: yes [shared]
+ Module auth_digest: no [shared]
+ Module proxy: yes [shared]
+ Module cern_meta: yes [shared]
+ Module expires: yes [shared]
+ Module headers: yes [shared]
+ Module usertrack: yes [shared]
+ Module example: no [shared]
+ Module unique_id: yes [shared]
+ Module so: yes
+ Module setenvif: yes [shared]
Creating Makefile in src
+ configured for Darwin platform
+ setting C compiler to gcc
+ setting C pre-processor to gcc -E -traditional-cpp
+ checking for system header files
+ adding selected modules
o rewrite_module uses ConfigStart/End
disabling DBM support for mod_rewrite
(perhaps you need to add -ldbm, -lndbm or -lgdbm to EXTRA_LIBS)
o dbm_auth_module uses ConfigStart/End
+ checking sizeof various data types
cd ..; gcc -DDARWIN -DNO_DBM_REWRITEMAP -DUSE_EXPAT -I./lib/expat-lite `./apaci` -o helpers/dummy helpers/dummy.c -ldl
/usr/bin/ld: can't locate file for: -ldl
make: *** [dummy] Error 1
+ doing sanity check on compiler and options
** A test compilation with your Makefile configuration
** failed. The above error output from the compilation
** test will give you an idea what is failing. Note that
** Apache requires an ANSI C Compiler, such as gcc.
cd ..; gcc -DDARWIN -DNO_DBM_REWRITEMAP -DUSE_EXPAT -I./lib/expat-lite `./apaci` -o helpers/dummy helpers/dummy.c -ldl
/usr/bin/ld: can't locate file for: -ldl
make: *** [dummy] Error 1
======== Error Output for sanity check ========
============= End of Error Report =============
[root@dreamstatic: apache_1.3.20] #
Note that my compiler is actually using <font color="#0000ff">cc</font>. Since OS X's <font color="#0000ff">cc</font> is actually <font color="#0000ff">gcc</font>, I made a symlink from cc to gcc. Works fine (and it's not the prob here, tested that by removing the symlink). Had to do this for something that refused to use cc, only wanted gcc. But I find that <i>**Apache requires an ANSI C Compiler, such as gcc</i> line <i><b>very</b></i> funny.

(Ok, I'm a computer/programmer geek, so sue me).
I've been compiling *NIX apps for 5 years...so lay it on, I'll understand what you're gettin' at. I'd be interested in seeing a listing of your /usr/lib dir, maybe I accidentally deleted the symlink for libdl. Or something.

Like I said, I know I must have it around somewhere, since this is needed to make the loadable modules. Funny thing is, I still get this sanity error even if I explicitly tell it to make the "old style" (non loadable) modules. Guess it wants to make 'em loadable anyway.
<b>taz</b> - you can add extra libs to <b>apache-1.3.20/src/Configuration</b>. Edit that file, you'll see a line (not very far down) that says EXTRA_LIBS - just add it after that. You'll have to have libdbm or whatnot installed first, though.
<b><i><font size=+1><font color="#ff0000">**UPDATE**</font></font></i></b>
I solved the prob. Heh. I made a symlink in /usr/lib from libSystem.dylib to libdl.dylib - that fixed it (I'm too impatient, I have to fix everything now rather than wait). Also fixed the no libdbm errors, tazmandevil, so you might wanna do the same thing. Err, I'll leave the text up top for anyone to read if'n they want to, even though it makes for a rather long post.
<i>sheesh...I violated the "Too many smilies" rule...but I like smilies...</i>