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  1. dricci

    Silk: Quartz anti-aliasing in ALL Carbon apps.

    Whoa, sweeet! AHHH I wish I was home right now. On a freakin EMachine Celeron with Windows ME! I *SO* want to try that. Using this EMachine reminds me why I'm a mac user :D
  2. dricci

    iDISK is hella fast in 10.1.5

    Yup. They've done some major changes to it, I guess. Anybody have any speed tests comparing it to Goliath?
  3. dricci

    Whatever happened to the MPEG-LA licensing issues?

    I know I'm going to register 6 pro when it comes out just to support Apple.
  4. dricci

    Which AIM client is your favorite?

    I used Adium for about a month and a half, and I went back to AIM :rolleyes:
  5. dricci

    It's Here - 10.1.5

    Wee! Update 10.1.5 delivers enhancements which improve the reliability of Mac OS X applications, delivers improved networking, security, support for PC Card serial communication devices, and expanded peripheral device support. Specific improvements include: Peripheral Device Support: –...
  6. dricci

    Which AIM client is your favorite?

    There's a patch and patched version going around. Contact me privatly for more info (that goes for anyone)
  7. dricci

    Which AIM client is your favorite?

    Here's what Adless AIM looks like. Much better than Adium or anything else IMHO, and I get all the official aim goodies such as proper screen names, buddy icons, file transfer, etc etc etc.
  8. dricci

    Which AIM client is your favorite?

    An outdated protocol that all of these clones for OS X use. The current official protocol that is used by official AIM clients is Oscar, but it's harder to "duplicate" in clones, so people stick with TOC which is easier. But TOC is lacking in a lot of areas such as "Modern" screen name...
  9. dricci

    Future Mac's

    At the current rate we'll just be reaching 1.2 GHz with DDR ram for $2,000.
  10. dricci

    Which AIM client is your favorite?

    AIM for OS X with Ads removed all the way! The closest we'll get to iChat for now. All of these clones that still use TOC need to move out of they way. They'll be slowing down progress for the real clients with the new features like instant messaging. :(
  11. dricci

    Instant messenger for OSX network use?

    Yeah, iChat will be well worth the wait for what you're trying to do. It'll provide AIM and IM functionality as well as local network communication, and even encryption for the local chat!
  12. dricci

    Censoring on

    Yeah, is this a community of mature (mostly) Mac users, or is this sixth grade recess? Are we going to snicker whenever someone says "****" or "sex" and then have to stand in the corner, or are we going to act grown up about it and ignore words that offend us? If "touchy" words are banned...
  13. dricci

    Picture of your setup
  14. dricci word association!

    Hard Disk Plate. (UGH, You must be on LSD if you think that's a Beachball...)
  15. dricci

    Censoring on

    yeah, not sure why **** and **** were chosen to be censored.
  16. dricci

    Anyone tried to port Wine...

    Wine requires an x86 processor, so it wouldn't work.
  17. dricci

    HELP, deleted folder by mistake, HELP PLEASE

    If you put it in the trash but didn't empty it, then it's still in the trash.. If you did empty, well chances are getting slim. You need to turn off EVERYTHING that generates disk access. Just turn the machine off.. Then buy a disk utility like norton and install it without doing anything...
  18. dricci

    Jaguar 10.2 Build 6C48 Seed Info

    If you sign on with your username, then your screen name always ends in This is how they avoid duplicates. You can also sign on with a regular AOL-aquired Screen Name. I've tested both ways. And yes, Quartz Extreme speeds up everything.
  19. dricci

    The Apple Campus in Cupertino...

    Sure, you could get a great tour of how the security guard team works when ejecting trespassers :D
  20. dricci

    Can Jaguar's Mail run in pre-jaguar releases of OS X?? and some other questions...

    I had zero shipping and handling when I walked into Micro Center and they handed it to me :rolleyes: :D