iDISK is hella fast in 10.1.5


You guys have to try iDisk the normal way. I used to connect through "connect to server" so i could get the speed that OS 9 had. Now you can go though the WebDAV way and its just as fast.
Yup. They've done some major changes to it, I guess. Anybody have any speed tests comparing it to Goliath?
Woohoo! Now I don't have to do the "Connect to Server..." thing like quaiz. Even that wasn't as fast as the WebDAV thing right now, and it's really handy to be able to just press Command-Option-I and have it go straight to your iDisk. :)
Man it use to take a long time, now surfing trough the folders is almost real time, they did do a good job...

Tnx guy I was very disappointed with iDisk before but now it does what it was made for....

Ciao from Italy
I don't know, just installed 10.1.5, and it may be a bit faster than before (It was unusable before, I had to wait minutes to get the look of a folder).

But I really don't get real time. It still takes something like 10-20 secs to get the contents of a folder. And the thing that really pisses me off:
If I want to copy something to my iDisk, I still get an error that there was an error and the command could not be completed. So I still have to use Apple-K.

Maybe it is because I am behind a proxy? No, this is WEBDAV, so it should be just fine with a proxy. Hell, AFP runs fine over this proxy...

Are there any preferences I could try to trash that could get this fixed?
Maybe it is just cause I am in Germany, and we all here get a bad connection to iDisk? Any people from Germany who could comment on the speed of their iDisk?
I honestly don't notice the differance...Goliath is speedy thou...oh well, I have NOTHING against using Goliath to access the iDisk.
I still think Goliath is faster. Yet, I have an iDisk concern. I suspect it has to do the the 10.1.5 update.
Two days ago I had almost 5 meg of free space on my iDisk. Today, without having added Anything in over a month, my space is ALL GONE!!
Is it just me?
I just tried my iDisk, and it is HELLA fast.

It looks to me, though, that the OS is caching folder views, and then just checking the folder modification date to see whether it needs to be updated. There's no way it can list all the applications in the software folder in under one second :p
i have a g4 867 using a cable modem, and it is almost
real time now using 10.1.5. im very impressed... its
actually usable now. :)
Help. I can't even back up to my iDisk anymore. Not only am I being told my disk is full (since updating to 10.1.5), but when I try to back up, I'm told I have insufficient privledges. I checked and one of the folders (ojn my harddrive) has me as owner, and Wheel as group. Another folder has No privs at all, and can Not be modified!!