I don't know, just installed 10.1.5, and it may be a bit faster than before (It was unusable before, I had to wait minutes to get the look of a folder).
But I really don't get real time. It still takes something like 10-20 secs to get the contents of a folder. And the thing that really pisses me off:
If I want to copy something to my iDisk, I still get an error that there was an error and the command could not be completed. So I still have to use Apple-K.
Maybe it is because I am behind a proxy? No, this is WEBDAV, so it should be just fine with a proxy. Hell, AFP runs fine over this proxy...
Are there any preferences I could try to trash that could get this fixed?
Maybe it is just cause I am in Germany, and we all here get a bad connection to iDisk? Any people from Germany who could comment on the speed of their iDisk?