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  1. dricci

    Application Icon in Menu bar ...

    Write to: That looks like it's really cool! Never got to try it myself.
  2. dricci

    Application Icon in Menu bar ...

    Do you happen to screen cap of what you're talking about? Not sure I've seen it before..
  3. dricci word association!

    Bill Gates on Trial
  4. dricci

    Chimera hits 0.28

    Well, I've had no speed issues at all. You do have more ram than me, so I don't really know what it could be other than something not agreeing with your system. For me it was instant input with tons of apps running, including classic and an app, so I really don't know. And I'm not a slow...
  5. dricci

    My Dillema

    Yeah, as stated in another post, OS X isn't support (read: Probably won't install without a lot of haxx0ring) on a 7200 even with upgrade card, and if it does work each update will pose new issues. For as much as you spend in upgrade cards and your new drives, you could probably get a used...
  6. dricci

    Chimera hits 0.28

    I just did a test with Chimera Navigator and I have no slowness whatsoever. This was running an app in classic, AIM X, Icy Juice, Mozilla and Mail, all in the background. It seemed just as fast as Mozilla, if not faster. The only time I had *ANY* slowness was when I tried to capture it with...
  7. dricci

    Mac OS X Musical Tribute

    Yeah, somebody posted that somewhere here the other day. That's pretty good. I hear it was made on an 8600.
  8. dricci

    New rule?: Annoyances

    How about just treat others the way you want to be treated? What's the point of this thread?
  9. dricci

    Absolute minimum spec for OSX Doesn't look like you'll be able to go past 9.1
  10. dricci

    Help! I'm surrounded!

    Make sure you only go in the lab if there is more than 1 person already there. Or else, they may kernel panic and start attacking you!
  11. dricci

    Jaguar Observations...
  12. dricci

    iTools Online Mailer

    Just get a browser that supports User Agent spoofing :eek:
  13. dricci

    Why do these damn Dell PC's keep getting faster?!

    Uh oh.. Web Developer who is having issues getting their page to work with Gecko. I see this turning into a W3C standards thread pretty soon. However, It's 1:15 AM. I'm not going to start it. :D
  14. dricci

    Jaguar 10.2 Build 6C48 Seed Info

    Think Secret has posted information about the latest seed of Jaguar, 6C48.
  15. dricci

    Why do these damn Dell PC's keep getting faster?!

    :rolleyes: If you can't take the heat, stay out of the kitchen. Or better yet, just don't turn the oven on! Welcome to the Internet. :eek:
  16. dricci

    Password Protecting Folders

    I have a program called "Crypt" that encrypts/decrypts files. Forgot what encryption it uses. Do a search at versiontracker, I believe it's freeware. For most of my stuff, though, I just find it easier to use an encrypted disk image.
  17. dricci word association!

    Dish Network
  18. dricci

    Will this Video Card work in my Mac?

    Well, if it works normal in OS 9 but not in OS X, then chances are the rom isn't gonna work in OS X. It's worth a shot, though, to find out. Maybe it'll work in OS 9 and when you switch back it'll start working on OS X? Just a guess, but stranger things have happened! :eek: Good luck!
  19. dricci

    Will this Video Card work in my Mac?

    Have you tried booting into OS 9 and seeing if it made a difference?