New rule?: Annoyances


Into the Breach
I have randomly decided that we will have a new rule at, and that is that members are allowed to annoy each other five (5) times per member. So, xaqintosh, who has annoyed me 2 times, is allowed to annoy me three more times before I can actually get annoyed. Then xaqintosh (if he really wants to annoy me), can start really annoying me. Or he could annoy nkuvu 5 times. Or Ed. Or, I don't know, maybe even Hervé :)

How does this sound? We can each have a little annoyance counter, maybe instead of a post count... LOL I really need to get some sleep... :)
Good point. If the rule annoys me I can throw it out, after all, that's the rule, isn't it?

But if I throw the rule out, I can't throw it out!

I think I'll go lie down...
This whole thread really annoys me...does that mean that everyone in here get's a strike (including me)?
Well, since I only posted once, it's not a post count raiser for ME at least... :) So it must be everyone else's fault... OK, Nummi, that was an annoying question. Strike one.

Who votes I delete this thread? :) This did NOT work as planned at all.
Originally posted by Bluefusion
Who votes I delete this thread? :) This did NOT work as planned at all.

OMG...I can't believe how annoying that remark is. I think you just used up your 5 strikes. :D :D
LOL no, xoot. It's just funny. (I have you on the list of "annoyed me many many times to the point where it's no longer even slightly annoying" ok? :) Don't worry. :)
The reason this works so well is that we ALL annoy each other most of the time :) Sorry if ya get caught in the crossfire, xoot.. i'm sure i've annoyed Ed and simX a few times too :)
We all annoyed each other in the which is the best browser wars. :D

No, OmniWeb!
**** you, it's Mozilla!