How much bandwidth and disk space does threads like this waste on Admin's server? Or more important, will Admin be switching to an Xserve soon? :D
Sadly, still no support for the Windows Media plugin. :mad: I think I should go file some bug reports about it under fake names just to get their attention :D
The "list" of all the user's available screen savers is located in System Prefs > Screen Savers (Screen Effects on Jaguar)
That's also where you can cofigure the options and change screen savers.
Just an FYI, Apple has a pay-for-more-space program with iTools, too. Not sure how it compares with the Yahoo prices and features though.
Use pop-under ads. Smart people (like me) use browsers that block them :D
hmmm, go to Netinfo and see if you can enable the root user if you haven't already done so, then log out and log into your machine as root. Drag the two folders to the trash and empty it. While in root you can do just about anything, that's why it's not good to stay in it for too long.
The users are actually deleted, however their folders were kept and ownership was transfered to you (the admin). You can just drag the deleted folders to the trash and empty it if you don't want to keep anything inside of them.
Can't say much for the Pro Speakers, but from what I've heard from them at the Apple Store they weren't too bad. But I do love my Sound Sticks and iSub... Using them right now :D
Manually opening the door is hard unless you have fingernails, which I don't. But I just learned you can put a post-it note on the door and pull slightly and it'll open right up! :D
Check out Mandrake, they have a PPC build. Yellow Dog is a PPC only company though, so they know a lot more about getting Linux working on Macs than anyone else.
Yeah, the currrent Apple Works has issues with some doc files. I think it has something to do with the .doc extention getting chopped off on long file names since it's a carbon port, but if you double click them it opens fine usually.
Cause I don't think it's really good for the burner. I heard that it can cause damage to the CD-R and the laser since it's not designed to go past like 65 or 70.
Yeah, I've been looking for a way to change the name back to Chimera. I can't believe they ripped off Navigator. ITS STILL A DOWNLOADABLE AND USED PRODUCT!
It'll be a great browser in the future, but I just don't understand the stolen name thingy. I can't believe they can't come up with...