Why Chimera (Navigator) is the best in there is


Mac Ninja
Check out this post on off-topic.net. It has tons of large pictures of girls from Maxim Magazine.


or click here

Internet Explorer: after 45 seconds, not one picture was displayed (no scrolling down).

Chimera (Navigator): within ONE second, the first picture was on the screen (no scrolling.) I tried scrolling right away and all the pictures were loaded. Amazing.

Proof once again that software is more important than hardware. The same way the flash player makes macs look like crap compared to PC, comparing Explorer on PC to Explorer on mac also makes macs look like shit.

Load up chimera, and boom, now the mac compares to PCs!

Explorer and Flash Player are not slower on mac because of mac hardware. It's the software that's bad.

Of course Chimera is still in version 0.2.7, and you can't even do some basic things like type into a text field with usable speed (a software issue, once again! LOL).

But it is a perfect analogy to Mac OS X when it first came out. Back then, Mac OS X sucked as an OS. Really slow. No apps. Very limited options. Everyone hated it. But the visionaries like Steve Jobs, myself, and a few others here and there knew it was the future, and much better, infinitely better. Why? Because it didn't crash. Period. Simple. I ditched OS 9 from day one because of this one fact.

And Chimera is a perfect analogy. It's still unusable as a browser (some form objects still don't work right, the text field problem, unfinished UI, etc. etc., but still. I use it as much as possible. Why? It renders pages like lightning. Almost as fast as Explorer on a new Wintel machine. Which is AMAZING.

I'm on a 400 mhz TiBook by the way, which is now slow in my book, but I can still get my work done on it so that's cool =).
Are your links broken?

I need too much functionality to use Chimera yet...

as a side note... I changed the name of the app back to Chimera (inc. the info.plist entry) because I didn't like Navigator...

Did anyone else do this?
Yeah, I've been looking for a way to change the name back to Chimera. I can't believe they ripped off Navigator. ITS STILL A DOWNLOADABLE AND USED PRODUCT!

It'll be a great browser in the future, but I just don't understand the stolen name thingy. I can't believe they can't come up with something better.
I have a problem with the latest build of chimera: when it goes to the default homepage (on netscape.com) there is a scroller that takes up 100% of my system processor to display.

very ugly. Otherwise it's a champ everywhere else. I just have to pay special attention to this app when it comes up and hit stop before it loads the NS page.