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  1. eric2006

    Liquid Damage --- Can I fix myself?

    The frying of circuits happens when it has power, so if it was spilled on but had a battery in it or was connected to power, it may already be toast.
  2. eric2006

    Everything On My Desktop Has Vanished

    Is there a desktop folder in your Home folder? Does Finder work? Try trashing
  3. eric2006

    Safari and Secure Website

    Try, from the Safari menu "reset Safari", then re-do your order. If that doesn't work, try using Firefox.
  4. eric2006

    free os x download? imac g3

    I had trouble finding a copy as well, but it looks like this will work: You may be better off with 10.3/4, but you need OS 9 for firmware updates sometimes.
  5. eric2006

    best option for running Windows only game on Mac

    With 10.4.11, you can buy: Parallels Vmware Fusion (emulators) Buy 10.5 w/ bootcamp and boot into Windows Attempt to use other emulators - Darwine, Crossover, etc. Not the best option.
  6. eric2006

    stay with 10.3.9 or update to 10.4

    This depends on whether you want compatibility (Tiger) or speed (Panther). In my experience, Panther is faster on G3s, but Tiger isn't too bad, especially with dashboard and spotlight turned off. Depending on your hard drive size, you could archive and install, to see if you want to keep Tiger...
  7. eric2006

    How to Maximize Speed with Airport Express

    You should be able to get DSL speeds with 802.11b, what happens when you are wired? Test your speed at Do PCs test faster at that site?
  8. eric2006

    When did Intel-chip Mac Laptops become available?
  9. eric2006

    Problems with MBR and WD HD

    If you have not reformated the hard drive, it will probably have the FAT32 format, which only can take files up to 4 or 6 GB, and isn't that great in general. Try reformating the disk as a mac format in disk utility.
  10. eric2006

    kernel panic. please help me!

    Nope, it just verifies the install media.
  11. eric2006

    Why can't I put my Mac to sleep?

    What kind of Mac do you have, and how are you putting it to sleep? What third-party hardware is installed?
  12. eric2006

    my ibook g4 starts up in safe mood

    When you restart it should automatically start in normal mode unless the shift key is stuck.
  13. eric2006

    Firefox 3 Beta 5 on a 10.3.9

    Camino uses the same engine as FF, so probably about the same for speed. Opera uses a different engine (pretty sure..), but I don't find it any faster. Safari feels the fastest for me, but the 10.3 version is older. You might want to try webkit, not sure if it will work.
  14. eric2006

    Desktop corrupted and many other issues

    Did you rename your user folder? These are classic symptoms. OS X stores everything about your account in your user folder, and it will just create a new, blank one if it can't find the old one (because it was renamed). KB article:
  15. eric2006

    ibook G4 freezes up, restarts to blue

    I wonder if you problem would be related to this thread: looks like a hardware issue - try reseting the PMU. Other possible fixes in the link.
  16. eric2006

    Lockingup When On Net

    What kind of phone are you using? When you say lockup, do you mean kernal panic - a dimmed screen with the text in the black box? If the input devices will not respond but you don't have a kernal panic, check to see if the time changes.
  17. eric2006

    Removing Adobe CS3 trial to install real

    Why can't you download the script? You can look for adobe-related files with spotlight, perhaps.
  18. eric2006

    isight startup problem

    Do you have any widgets that use the iSight? Look in Activity Manager for any processes that might be using the iSight, or post the list here and we can investigate.
  19. eric2006

    Interruption of Leopard Installation

    I'm guessing that your old system folder is disabled - it gets renamed on archive and install. Your Leopard install suffered an early death, so it's not bootable. At least, I hope that's the case. Try booting up while holding the option key. You should see 2 or 3 options - Tiger, Leopard and the...
  20. eric2006

    TimeMachine on iMac G4

    This might just be that the G4 hardware is different from your other macs. A quick fix would be to set display sleep to whatever you want, and computer sleep to ~ an hour.