Interruption of Leopard Installation


I was installing Leopard tonight on a G4 PowerBook after successfully having done so on my MacBook Pro.

At the point of installation, I chose "Install", when I wanted to chose "Archive and Install", so I cancelled the installation a few minutes in. I should have selected "Customize", but my fingers got moving too fast, and the next thing I knew it was installing Leopard, and I panicked and ended the install, even though I knew it was probably a bad idea.

I was then prompted to select a boot drive, and I selected my default Macintosh HD.

After a restart, I got a black screen with "localhost:/ root#" in the upper left hand part of the display. How can I reboot my computer? Is there a set of commands to enter? Am I screwed? Help!

I'm guessing that your old system folder is disabled - it gets renamed on archive and install. Your Leopard install suffered an early death, so it's not bootable. At least, I hope that's the case. Try booting up while holding the option key. You should see 2 or 3 options - Tiger, Leopard and the Install disk. If you see Tiger instead of Leopard or the other way around, let us know. You're going to need to do another archive and install in any event, you can boot from CD by holding the C key or option.

You should always make backups before an archive and install, but I suppose that's why you were upgrading :)