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  1. eric2006

    Seagate FreeAgent Pro drive doesn't mount automatically

    The specs for the drive says it has a "power on and off touch point", so you could have a malfunctioning drive, or it could be a software issue (and the software only works on windows). For elegance:
  2. eric2006

    Using ARD 3 to control XP machine

    I have had bad experiences with Norton Firewall, so you might want to disable that for troubleshooting purposes. Windows XP has a built-in firewall as well; make sure it's disabled. You will also need to have your network configured correctly, if applicable.
  3. eric2006

    Safari is broken! Please take a moment and try to help.

    Basic application troubleshooting: (delete preferences)
  4. eric2006

    reinstall osX after disk wipe

    I'm not sure if this would be applicable, but if your consultant took the hard drive out of the Mac, he may have changed the jumper settings so that he could work on it. The jumper should be as cable select, or master. If you can't get any OS X disk to format the drive, try reformatting from...
  5. eric2006

    unable to burn CD

    If there were such thing as a CD+R, you wouldn't be able to burn to it. :) Some early Superdrives only supported DVD-R It'd be helpful to know what part of the burning process is causing trouble.
  6. eric2006

    unable to burn CD

    Depending on the version of your OS, it will ask about burning differently, but you should be able to change how it asks in System Preferences. Also, note that you can burn CD-R CD-RW, not CD+R or CD+RW
  7. eric2006

    Beach ball

    This is a classic hard drive failure, assuming the noise is coming from the hard drive.
  8. eric2006

    I Sketch compatibility?

    Have you tried using different browsers? Firefox, for example, seems to be more compatible with some sites.
  9. eric2006

    External HD doesnt mount after plugging in Vista laptop

    I would contact your hard drive manufacturer, it seems like this drive is toasted.
  10. eric2006

    DVD verification fails after every burn

    Error numbers would be helpful if applicable, as well as your system specs. You can get error #'s by launching /Applications/Utilities/ Click "Show Log List". Select Log Files>~/Library/Logs->DiscRecording.log. Generally, this is a sign of a dying optical drive, which would be...
  11. eric2006

    Un-installing software

    Assuming you looked for an uninstaller and found none, your best option would be to delete the /Application. Unlike Windows, programs are installed to the Applications folder, and most apps only have kilobytes of "preference" files stored in your /library. If you really want to get rid of...
  12. eric2006

    I Sketch compatibility?

    Make sure you have Shockwave installed:
  13. eric2006

    Custom External HDD

    I'm not sure exactly what you are trying to do here, but: The AirPort supports multiple drives, so if you have multiple drives connected, they will show up as network volumes on your mac. Because the "hack" enables network volumes, it should work. You know this, but USB is slow, and the...
  14. eric2006

    My Computer was shut down improperly

    It's a kernal panic. Usualy you don't need to worry about this unless it is a recurring issue. A kernal panic can indicate a corrupted OS or bad hardware. It looks like your computer had an issue with some sort of storage device, perhaps a...
  15. eric2006

    iphoto crashes when opening

    Try trashing in /users/<you>/library/preferences. If that doesn't work, try reinstalling Quicktime. Also, try creating a new iPhoto library by holding option on startup, and delete iPhoto's preference file. It wouldn't be a bad idea to update to the latest version of...
  16. eric2006

    Brother MFC-210C Printing reversed

    Make sure you don't have "reverse printing" enabled. This feature is normally for printing on shirts, peel-off signs, etc. note: this is leopard, your mirror/reverse option may be in a different location.
  17. eric2006

    Question about VGA/DVI/ADC adapters

    First of all, VGA should work well, so check your cables and monitor. However, DVI will have a better signal. Converting VGA to DVI is analog-digital, so it's not easy - you need some hardware, costing ~ $80 (USD) (?). Even with this, you'd still be getting your analog signal unconverted to...
  18. eric2006

    Why is Raid 0 not used more?

    Raid 0 offers performance at the cost of reliability. With a 4-drive setup, I increase the possibility of total data loss by 4. It is useful if you keep backups, or for non-critical data.
  19. eric2006

    Reversing a software up-date?...

    Depending on the application, you should be able to delete the /Application, then reinstall, apply all working updates. It wouldn't hurt to delete the /users/you/library/preferences/com.manufacturer.application.plist file either.
  20. eric2006

    monster itv cable link for 13" mac

    In my experience, Monster cables are high quality, and last a while. However, you'll probably get close to the same thing with a generic cable, if you can find one. You can have your powerbook mirrored onto the TV, but with a 12" screen, that will look ugly. Luckily, I believe that you can...