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  1. eric2006

    External HD doesnt mount after plugging in Vista laptop

    Does it show up in Disk Utility, or Hardware Profiler?
  2. eric2006

    Disk Space Magically Disappearing...

    You can delete runaway log files safely, but if they come back, check them to see what's causing the problem. Utilities such as Onyx or Maintenance will delete log files safely, among other things.
  3. eric2006

    Getting your tunes back after a crash?

    Here's the FAQ for getting your lost downloads back: for uncompleted downloads: if it downloaded but your computer crashed after the download, the music file may be in your library, just...
  4. eric2006

    PowerMac (MDD) won't boot...

    One possibility, especially with a computer of this age, is a dead clock battery.
  5. eric2006

    Setting Mount Point and Restoring Partitions question

    10.4 has no support for modifying the partition map, but you can get a third party partition utility/leopard and achieve this. iPartion can do this, I believe. You could also just use CCC/other to copy the whole mac partition out, reformat, then copy back in.
  6. eric2006

    Logitech QuickCam Chat not working.

    It should work, but then again, the drivers included with the camera are not the drivers that you are using. You could try using the demo of these drivers: which may/not have better support for your camera. Maccam's website says you can lower the...
  7. eric2006

    Logitech QuickCam Chat not working.

    It looks like it's using USB 1.0, which only allows speeds upto 12 mb/s. I'm guessing that the camera is bottlenecking on that speed, causing your connection problem. If you have a USB 2.0 port, try that (a USB hub could also cause a slow down). Otherwise, you'll need to get a USB 2.0 card to...
  8. eric2006

    Logitech QuickCam Chat not working.

    Can you find the model # of the camera?
  9. eric2006

    How long does Time Machine take for incremental backups?

    For me, small backups are usually done in less than a minute. I'm not sure if the drive is acting up, because it's pretty quiet. It does slow down the whole system a bit, though. Has it always been like this on your mini? Trashing preferences/reseting spotlight index might help if something got...
  10. eric2006

    Installing 0s 10.5 0n New Hardrive

    Your mac will know how to handle booting with or without the hard drive, so you can just swap the drives then put the disk in and boot up.
  11. eric2006

    MacBook Pro won't boot.

    If the MBP is still under warranty, you should bring it in for hardware repairs. check:
  12. eric2006

    WEP Password Problem - Help

    Try trashing /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/ then restarting Otherwise, I wonder if you could look on the working computer and "transplant" the server info into a manual configuration on the MacBook.
  13. eric2006

    Ichat Error code -8

    Verify that both your routers are configured correctly with port forwarding/NAT/DMZ, this is communication error. Firewalls need to be configured correctly as well. More info about ichat ports
  14. eric2006


    What are you using to convert the .png into an icon file?
  15. eric2006

    Can user accounts be deleted via Unix?

    There is a very extensive troubleshooting guide for the "blue screen" issue here:
  16. eric2006

    Msn chat control for mac

    I don't think there's a way to get that to work on OS X, especially if you need ActiveX. There's still bootcamp/parallels, though.
  17. eric2006

    ipod erased

    Try plugging the iPod in, then running a disk repair on it from Disk Utility (in the /Applications/Utilities folder). If that doesn't work, you need to try to take everything off and reimport.
  18. eric2006

    Mac os x & Ubuntu live CD..

    are you using an Apple keyboard in one of the main USB ports, and are you sure that the USB ports work?
  19. eric2006

    Factory Restore on my mac

    If you can't troubleshoot it, note that: a. You can archive and install, saving some settings and all programs. A clean install is usually safer, however. b. Most apps will be fine if you just copy the .app, exceptions would be software that requires a key, or un-mac like programs. The .app will...
  20. eric2006

    HP PSC 1610xi will wont scan

    Are you using HP's scanning software? OS X has no scanning capability on its own. You can also buy VueScan, which probably supports your scanner.