Disk Space Magically Disappearing...


Greetings folks,

I'm running OS X 10.4.11 and have noticed lately that as long as my Mac Mini is on my disk space is diminishing magically. I keep trying to delete files, etc... but that seems to be a temporary fix at best.

I read something about GrandPerspective and tried that and what I've found is a 27.8Gb file called Library/Logs/Console/501/console.log.9 and some other similar files like a 5.03Gb file called Library/Logs/Console/501/console.log.7.

Can I delete this? Will this solve the problem or is something else at work here?

I look forward to your reply(s). Thanks!!

You can delete runaway log files safely, but if they come back, check them to see what's causing the problem. Utilities such as Onyx or Maintenance will delete log files safely, among other things.
Thanks! I have just downloaded OnyX -- any chance (if it's not too much trouble) you could walk me through the process of deleting the log files using it?
I should add that I've already gone to [Logs], and checked Delete Log Files and Executed that -- but the console logs I mentioned earlier were not deleted.
Spoke too soon... I tried that again and it seemed to clean things up. I'll watch for their return.... thanks for the help!!