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  1. G

    iPhoto won't allow adjustment to individual slide duration

    Hi all, I'm trying to make a slideshow in iPhoto and adjust the duration for individual slides so I can get them to be more in sync with the music. Problem is, the seconds counter won't change in the "Adjust This Slide" menu. I'm able to click the arrows to increase/decrease seconds, but the...
  2. G

    Speech recognition software for OSX and Final Cut Pro?

    Hi, I'm wondering if there is any good speech recognition software out there that I can use with OSX and Final Cut Pro. I'm a film editor with repetitive stress injuries from mouse/keyboard use, and would be most grateful for any advice about speech recognition, or any other possible solutions...
  3. G

    Change size of all photos in iPhoto album?

    Hi, I have an album in iPhoto that I'd like to publish to the web. Problem is, the photos are all >1MB each. Is there an easy way I can change (copy, actually, since I'd still like to keep the original files) them all to a more manageable, uploadable size? Thanks.
  4. G

    Question about iphoto

    When I burn a photo album onto CD, the photos come out buried in a maze of year, month and day folders, just as they are stored on my HD. Is there any way I can can configure iphoto so that all the photos just appear on the root folder of the CD? Thanks.
  5. G

    Why does firefox load on startup?

    Hi, Recently Firefox on my Powerbook G4 started loading every time I boot the computer. I'd rather have it not run automatically and instead only load it when I choose. How can I stop it from autoloading on startup? Thanks.
  6. G

    iPod will not eject

    Hi, I'm using a in iPod Photo 20GB and a Powerbook G4 15" 1.67 GHz. When I connect my iPod to update it contents, it auto updates successfully but then won't eject properly. It tells me "the device is in use by another application". So I close out of itunes and try to eject from the desktop...
  7. G

    How do I burn across multiple CDs?

    Hi, I'm running OS 10.4. I want to burn a large folder that contains 16GB to DVD. Is there a setting somewhere that will allow me to automatically burn the entire folder across as many DVD's as are needed, instead of dividing the files into <4.7 GB clumps myself and burning the DVD's one at a...
  8. G

    My Electrocuting Powerbook

    Hi, Recently I left my powerbook plugged into the wall for a few days while I went out of town. When I came back I discovered that the power adapter no longer works, and it has little black spots on the plugs. I tried using the "extension cord" that comes with the adapter instead of the small...
  9. G

    Wireless range on Powerbook G4

    Hi, I bought a Powerbook G4 in September 2005 and have discovered that the machine doesn't detect wireless networks as well as PCs with comparable wireless network cards. For instance, I have a wireless network at home, and when I place the powerbook in the same location as a windows laptop...
  10. G

    Copy and paste in Word 2004

    Hi, Whenever I copy text from Firefox and paste it into a Word document, it appears in a Lucida Grande size 13 font (regardless of what font it was in Firefox). Is there any way I can set it to either 1) Times New Roman size 12, or, better yet, 2) whatever font and size I am already using in...