Search results

  1. unexpectedgift

    Windows iPod having seizures, should I plug it into my mac?

    My sister's 80G ipod is having these weird moments when she plugs it in to her (disgustingly un-loved, slow, dying, and never maintenanced) PC. It doesn't do the "do not disconnect" screen--it goes to a blank white and refuses to power off, connect to iTunes, or do anything except "stare." we've...
  2. unexpectedgift

    Stuffit should stuff it. Expander help needed!

    Okay, so I'm playing around on Garageband 2.0, which in my 1.5 years of Mac-hood I have only recently discovered. And I discovered loops. Loops are awesome. I made an entire song of loop combinations. Original, it is not. But I love it anyway. BUT my loops only were visible in one song. I...
  3. unexpectedgift

    Locked Volume?

    So I downloaded this application, Boink, so I could rightfully reclaim the music I bought on my old computer (a windows, regretfully, that my sister is currently using). I'm not nearly rich enough right now to own an iPod (I've got something like three weeks of music on the thing--I'd need quite...