Stuffit should stuff it. Expander help needed!


Okay, so I'm playing around on Garageband 2.0, which in my 1.5 years of Mac-hood I have only recently discovered.

And I discovered loops. Loops are awesome. I made an entire song of loop combinations. Original, it is not. But I love it anyway.

BUT my loops only were visible in one song. I tried to open and start new songs, but the loops still wouldn't show. So I made my own, and now THAT's the only one that shows. I thought all the pre-loaded ones were dead, but they're all over the place in (you guessed it) that one special song.

I downloaded Stuffit Expander ages ago, and updated accordingly when it moved to v11.0. But for quite a while, I've not been able to open certain files, as the Expander would state that a .pkg file was on a locked volume ("Open package contents" just confused me) or that "a folder was specified when a file was required."

So I wasn't surprised when the fixit package from Apple wouldn't open as it was (surprise!) a .pkg file.

I know this garageband stuff could all be fixed if I bought iLife 06, but frankly, I'm holding out for Leopard.

Does anyone have any advice? Am I doing something wrong? What am I missing?
Files with .pkg extension are not Stuffit files. They are Installer files. The only files related to GarageBand loops with the .pkg entension are receipt files. These tell the OS which files have been installed and maintain a record of the proper directory structure and permissions of your loop files. You should leave them alone.

BTW, you cannot expect GarageBand to be bundled with MacOS X 10.5. Your next version of the app will be a paid upgrade.
OH! Okay.

I definitely know Garageband will cost me no matter what I do--I was just confused as to how I might get my loops back.

I downloaded the latest update for Garageband. that's what the .pkg file was.

AND! I forgot to mention that this computer is the (shared!) family Mac. The reason I'm holding out for leopard is because it'll be on a my own computer...Looking back at the original post, I know how confusing I sound. Oops.