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  1. B

    Odd Mail and Safari behavior

    I just discovered this odd behavior of Mail and Safari. If you perform a find (command-F) in Safari then switch to and filter a mailbox by a term then back in Safari you use the find again command (command-G) the term you filered by in Mail is used. Very odd behavior but it looks...
  2. B

    Linksys router problem HELP!!!

    Here's the image again
  3. B

    Linksys router problem HELP!!!

    Hopefully the following diagram comes thorugh ok, which should help the explanation. I've tried running the new Linksys both as another router and just as a switch (the desired configuration). I also tried not attaching it to the network and still very slow access to the web interface...
  4. B

    Linksys router problem HELP!!!

    Just got a new Linksys BEFW11S4 ver. 3. We're just trying to use it as a switch and wireless access point, not the router function. It works for Gateway and Dell laptops but not my Powerbook G4 Ti 667. The network is configured as follows: Cable modem access run through ver.1 Linksys...
  5. B

    address book sync delayed

    After the keynote I tried activating the synching of Address Book to the .mac Address Book. Each time I tried it timed out. I gave it a while to let the sudden rush die down, but now the preference pane for address book on .mac says the synching feature is coming soon. Looks like we'll have...