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  1. N

    No one can.....

    no oen cna get na ihpnoe yte. Itsn't it aewsmoe taht yuo cna raed tihs!!!!! Wlel no oen cna gte iophnes yte so wtahs teh bgi dael?? Aern't yuo gald taht yuo dceieded ot raed tihs psot tgohgh? ahhaahahahahahhaah.
  2. N

    Need help w/ Macbook!!!!!!!

    I have had my Macbook for almost a year now and recently it has been not responding when I click for a while after it starts up. I don't know whats wrong with it. I can move the mouse around and click but it takes a while for anthing to respond and I can only open things if I hold the clicker...