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  1. J

    Trying to revive a PowerbookG3

    No, I have a retail copy. Is there any specific meaning to this error?
  2. J

    Trying to revive a PowerbookG3

    So I have a OSX 10.4 install disk and I am trying to revive a Powerbook G3 that my buddy gave me. The Apple website says that a 400Mhz G3 with 64mb RAM, 8Gb HDD, and DVD player is enough to run Tiger (at least it is enough to do a little surfing with), but I am having problems. First of all, it...
  3. J

    Why do I see .DS_Store everywhere now?

    Awesome! Tinkertool worked great. I had even downloaded it a few weeks go because I thought it might be a good utility, but hadn't really used it yet. Thanks barhar, I think I found a OSX forum for me.
  4. J

    Why do I see .DS_Store everywhere now?

    Problem: What were once invisible files (such as .DS_Store) are now visible, and it is annoying. Every folder on every drive I look at is like this. So I was moving my files off of my USB back-up drive onto my Macbook when I had a device removal problem (oddly, no cables were pulled) and...