Trying to revive a PowerbookG3


So I have a OSX 10.4 install disk and I am trying to revive a Powerbook G3 that my buddy gave me. The Apple website says that a 400Mhz G3 with 64mb RAM, 8Gb HDD, and DVD player is enough to run Tiger (at least it is enough to do a little surfing with), but I am having problems.

First of all, it has 10.2 and when you try to start that it only shows a the power button restart screen. When I load up the 10.4 disk I get a DEFAULT CATCH!, code=900 error. The BootROM is from 3/21/01 - is that too old? Do you have to update Firmware like you would update a BIOS on a PC?

I also noticed the Firmware says the date is 1970, so I am assuming the watch battery that runs it went bad.

If this were your project, what would you do? I am trying not to just toss it, it would be nice to have another laptop running around the house to use in a pinch.
Do you have a full retail copy of the install disc?

If not, it won't work. The install discs that came with new Macs are specific to that model. I don't think any G3 Powerbooks were ever sold with OSX so the only way to install is a full retail copy.
You might want to check out this Apple page and check to see if your PowerBook G3 needs a firmware update in order to run OS X:

The fact that your PowerBook G3 only has 64 MB RAM is a big problem. Mac OS X Tiger requires 256 MB RAM, but 512 MB or more is recommended for decent use especially on such an old laptop as your PowerBook G3. Also, it MUST have Firewire to be officially supported.