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  1. F

    Internet Problems

    Allright guys, prepare to call me an idiot. I'm a bit of a control freak, and I turned off Autoplay. All I had to do was pop in the lepoard CD and it auto installed the drivers once i autoplayed it. Thanks for all the help.
  2. F

    Internet Problems

    So a no on the drivers being on the Leopard CD. The drivers are there, but the Windows half doesn't recognize the files, since they are Mac specific. I'm going to try and find them appropriate drivers online, and then I'll let you guys know if that worked or not.
  3. F

    Internet Problems

    I'll give this latest one a try. I'll report back as soon as I get home from work and try it. Thanks again for the help thus far guys. Edit: I'm sorry guys, I'm currently getting ready to move off to university and haven't had a chance to try your methods. I'll post as soon as I have new info...
  4. F

    Internet Problems

    Well, I think I've discovered the problem, however, I don't know what to do here either. Both the Ethernet Controller and the Network controller do not have drivers installed. However, without the ability to connect to the internet to find these drivers, what would you suggest to do? In terms...
  5. F

    Internet Problems

    Hmmm, now this is odd. I followed your steps, but this what it says: Windows IP Configuration Thats it, nothing else. Then it just waits for my next command.
  6. F

    Internet Problems

    Hi guys, I just got a new Macbook Pro, with Lepoard OS. My problem is this: I used bootcamp to install Windows XP. I've got XP working, but I cannot connect to the internet while using Windows. I've tried to connect through both wireless and hardline, but no dice. I even tried using...