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  1. T

    5 hour battery life? What a joke!

    he 5 hour use time that Apple states is while keeping your 'book in an essentially crippled state.....screen brightness all the way down is crippled, limiting 'book use to meager processor use is crippled. The 5 hour claim is basically advertising agency B.S. i.e., gross exaggeration.
  2. T

    Seagate or Hitachi?

    Well, Seagate warrantees their HDs for 5 years while Hitachi and the others warranty for 3 so I figured that Seagate just might be of a bit better quality, and the price for the Seagate at OWC is just 5$ more.
  3. T

    Seagate or Hitachi?

    I'm gonna replace my Powerbook's hard drive myself.Any reason to choose a Seagate over an Hitachi? Does Seagate make better HDs?
  4. T

    flashing question mark

    On the screen of my powerbook is a flashing question mark alternating with a powerbook is unusable. In disk utility on my installation disk my hard drive does not appear in the window there and the repair disk tab is dimmed. Would that indicate that my hard drive is kaput?