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  1. N


    Unable to join to Wi-Fi on the ipod touch as it is not accepting the password.Any idea What can be done
  2. N

    Unable to play the Game

    I have a game I bought on eBay "Putt-Putt Saves the zoo" for my babysister. I use to play it when I was a kid and loved it. i want her to play it as well. On the CD it says its only compatible for Windows 31, Windows 95 and Macintosh. i have a PowerMac G5 and I really want to have my sister play...
  3. N

    Imac does not want to start and shows me a white screen.

    Can u try the below T/S steps: 1.First dissconnect any external devices 2.Remove any disk stuck in the computer and then restart and check 3.If still boot to the safe mode and check If not re-install the OS if not take the Imac to the apple store