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  1. M

    Leopard & Yahoo email - incompatible??!

    Finally got it sorted out... I had to go to my husband's PC to log in to my Yahoo account - which still functions normally from there. Then I was able to click on "switch to Mail Classic." When I came back to the Mac & logged on to the Yahoo account, it pulled up the Mail Classic version, which...
  2. M

    Leopard & Yahoo email - incompatible??!

    I have a free yahoo email account that I've been using forever. (I'd like to keep it free, BTW!) My old hard drive just crashed, and I upgraded my OS to Leopard. Now none of the buttons in my yahoo mail account will work. I can see my emails, but I can't compose messages. Please help! I'm...
  3. M

    MacBook died - data recovery chances?

    The guy can't fix it. It just keeps clicking. They're sending it to DriveSavers. :( It's only the photos that I care about... $850 for photos only (including a referral discount from the Apple guy). That means I lose everything else that I had on there, but I can't afford $2500 for the excel...
  4. M

    MacBook died - data recovery chances?

    My MacBook screen froze while it was trying to do two tasks at once (overheating???). After 10 min, I shut it down with the power button. When I restarted it, I got a screen with a blinking folder & question mark. I shut it down with the power button, restarted it again, same result. I can't...