MacBook died - data recovery chances?


My MacBook screen froze while it was trying to do two tasks at once (overheating???). After 10 min, I shut it down with the power button. When I restarted it, I got a screen with a blinking folder & question mark. I shut it down with the power button, restarted it again, same result. I can't remember for sure (since I didn't know to listen for it), but I think there was a clicking sound.

It's in the Mac repair shop over the weekend. :(

What kind of hard drive failure is this? What are the chances they can recover the data off the hard drive?

Right now I feel sick, thinking of all the pictures that I DIDN'T back up (about a third of them are backed up). I really don't want to spend the weekend worrying they can't get those for me. Thanks!

ETA: If they say they can't recover the data, should I ask for the HD back so I can take it somewhere else?
My MacBook screen froze while it was trying to do two tasks at once (overheating???). After 10 min, I shut it down with the power button. When I restarted it, I got a screen with a blinking folder & question mark. I shut it down with the power button, restarted it again, same result. I can't remember for sure (since I didn't know to listen for it), but I think there was a clicking sound.

It's in the Mac repair shop over the weekend. :(

What kind of hard drive failure is this? What are the chances they can recover the data off the hard drive?
Sounds like a mechanical failure of either the read/write arm mechanism, or perhaps a spindle problem. Probably nothing that can be fixed at home.

You have between a 0% and 100% chance that the data can be recovered. No one but the person recovering the data off of the drive can say for sure.

Data recovery is typically very expensive. DriveSavers ( are great at it, although you should expect to spend anywhere from $500 to $5,000 to recover the data from the hard drive.

Right now I feel sick, thinking of all the pictures that I DIDN'T back up (about a third of them are backed up). I really don't want to spend the weekend worrying they can't get those for me. Thanks!
I had a similar thing happen to me back in the day -- lost a lot of photos that I'll never get back... but hey, I'll bet you'll be backing up your stuff starting today! It only takes once, right?

ETA: If they say they can't recover the data, should I ask for the HD back so I can take it somewhere else?
Yes, most definitely. Actually, I would ask for the whole computer back -- if only the hard drive failed, then there's no reason to give the repair shop a perfectly good computer for free.
The guy can't fix it. It just keeps clicking. They're sending it to DriveSavers. :( It's only the photos that I care about... $850 for photos only (including a referral discount from the Apple guy). That means I lose everything else that I had on there, but I can't afford $2500 for the excel sheet and a couple word documents. Ugh.

I will back up my files on a daily basis after this.
In the off chance that anyone will read jimmyrayjit's post (Post #4), please don't follow his advice. This is SPAM by a non-English speaker. Your data may be recovered from the hard drive of a damaged MacBook or from any other computer for that matter. However, reformatting your hard drive will make it harder not easier to recover your data.